Monday, August 29, 2022

Late Night Blather

Just some random thoughts.

First, I'll have reviews for RH Junior High Karma and Stella sometime tomorrow. Their hair is drying. I like both a lot, though I'm still really mad they gave Stella barely anything and dared charge the same price. That's not right. 

I despise the RH Dia de los Muertos mess and want nothing to do with her. She's horribly offensive. 

I have no interest in the Paris doll and based on what she looked like in the show, I doubt I'll want Roxie Grand either, which is fine with me. Anything to save money at this point! RH is coming out with stuff way too fast and it's all expensive. 

Speaking of, I never thought I'd want all of the Royal Three, but I do. I just refuse to pay Walmart's $50 apiece. They're $40 other places. I'm hoping Amazon or Target get them. I may be weak and get one if I find any but I'm going to try not to. 

Bratz has those designer dolls coming out. I like the Jade one in the yellow and red dress. 

Now over to MH. 

I love the tiny plushies now that I know they're tiny. The cheap look is more acceptable if they're meant to be clip-ons or something. 

I passed on Haunt Couture Cleo. I have better Cleos already and for that price, I'm going to be picky. 

I'm sure I'm vastly in the minority, but I dislike the Reel Drama set. I hate the lengthened hair. Their hair lengths were just fine. They didn't need to have ridiculously long hair for zero reason. I also don't like the color pops. Lagoona is far and away the best one because she somehow makes the color touches work. Probably because they're more subtle. I might be tempted by her, but I might skip the entire line.

I'm still eagerly awaiting the reboot Lagoona. LOVE her.

Back to MGAE, I saw LOL Tweens Darcy Blush on IG and kinda fell in love. And now of course I can't find the pics, but I'm also being lazy. It's been a long work week. I'm definitely getting Jenny Rox but might get Darcy. 

And then there's the Fierce Cleopatra. Yeesh. She isn't awful or offensive, but she's certainly nowhere near accurate. Not that I expected it from a company that confuses Mexico and Spain, as well as China and Japan. I get that she's fashion and not historical but it's not even good fashion. The doll herself I like a lot and she's the reason I'll buy this. The hair bobble things are way too big. I'll yank them off if I can. The headband is okay. Completely not based in reality, but it's not ugly. The earrings and the pectoral (the collar) I really like. The belt and the manacles are incredibly gaudy and over the top. Why are there so many chains? Do you see a bunch of dangly chains in Egyptian art? Nope. The blue fabric with the gold trim looks incredibly cheap. Isn't she like $100? And that's the fabric we're getting? It's not awful over the minidress without the belt though. Still looks cheap but somehow it's also okay. The minidress confuses me. Is that a denim skirt? Why denim? Why not white or cream or red linen? Denim?!! And those shoes. Ugh. They make reboot Cleo's look like artistry. So there were some great choices here with the doll and certain jewelry pieces, but there were some very typical, stuck inside the box choices here, too, with the utter overuse of gold and whatever that denim horror is. I want her because I'm that into Egypt, but I'm not impressed with her by any means. 

I think that wrap things up for now. 

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