Wednesday, August 9, 2023

REVIEW: Rainbow High "Value" Sheryl & Daphne

First off, many, many, many thanks to Ryleigh for finding these two for me! They were the last of the value dolls I really wanted, though I may not say no to Georgia if I see her in person ever. 

Let's take a look at Daphne and Sheryl. 

I'll do Daphne first. 

The most obvious difference is that her hair is shorter. 

She did have gel, which needed to be washed out, though not a ton of it. 

I'm a big Daphne fan. I always wanted her to do more on the show. So I wanted this doll to support the character. She's super cute. 

I like the meander around the bottom of her shirt. Her outfit is simple, but it doesn't feel cheap like some of the others do. (Sorry, Daria.)

Yeah, pretty big difference in hair length! 

Value Daphne's hair is also a greener shade of mint than regular Daphne. 

Makeup-wise, value has lighter lipstick by a long shot. Her eyeshadow seems heavier on the brown, but that could vary from doll to doll. 

I like the fresher look the lighter color gives her, though I do favor the original. 

I think she's worth getting if you're a Daphne fan, but if I had to choose, I prefer the original. 

Sheryl had a lot of gel on her front curls, though not much on the back. Her hair increased so much in volume when I got all that gel out!

I wanted her so badly because she had these lovely dark lips. 

I also think the simple dress is very cute. 

As with the other value dolls, Sheryl's hair is also a lot shorter. I like the shorter version a lot better though. 

I like what they were going for with original Sheryl, but I prefer the dark lips of the value. 

I love both of them. Getting the value one actually increased my appreciation of original Sheryl and I rearranged my display to have her in a more featured spot. 

Love this doll! I think she and Emi are by far the stars of the value line. 



  1. Ohhh I wonder if you could use Daphne's plain white shirt under Sheryl's dress so it'll look less bare and more 90's

    1. It would, but I like it as it is. The whole tee under dresses thing takes me right back to high school and I'd rather not remember too much of that. Ha.
