Monday, August 21, 2023


Time to catch up on bears!

Monica arrived from QVC last week, but I was recovering from a tooth pull and didn't have the energy to post her. Then it was my work week. Blah. But now I have the time so here she is. 

Monica is a little bear at only 13" tall. She's part of the Secret Collection. Her color is really interesting. It's like a pale pinky-purple. It reminds me of the old Crayola orchid crayon. 

Her face is so cute. I love the lighter bits around her eyes and how the purple is underneath them. 

Very glad I ordered her because she's well worth it. 

Pampas is a Bearhouse lion from way back in 2021. He was never shipped to the US and they only just now produced more of him. Not sure what the delay was. Sometimes it's a unique type of fur, but Pampas is pretty standard. 

Every one of him looks cross-eyed. So you either get startled cross-eyed or grumpy cross-eyed like mine is. I dunno why I love him so much, but I do. CBs have some lovely lions and he's another one of them. 

He's pretty regal in his own way. 

Night Owl was a hard one to choose. There was another that looked a bit feistier than this guy, but I loved this one more. He looks concerned, which I'm drawn to sometimes. 

The dark places on him are actually dark brown, not black like I was expecting. 

He's soft and small and very endearing. 

Ah, Kevin. He was another one that was a difficult choice, because there was a perfectly normal-looking, super cute one, yet I ended up choosing this guy. He reminds me of a mogwai or some sort of owl. He's the grumpy curmudgeonly sort and I love that. He's also surprisingly cuddly! 

Blue Moon is one of three Moon sisters coming out this year. The orange one, Harvest Moon, is one of my most anticipated of the year. Then there's pink Rose Moon, who looks different from my other pink bears. Blue Moon was the one I was uncertain about, because she reminded me of Misty from 2021, but in person, they're pretty different. 

Blue Moon is soft and cuddly. She's a sweet bear. 

Here's Blue Moon with Misty. Definitely different!

And finally, Streamers! 

He's a little chonk and sooooo soft! 

I know I say these guys are soft and cuddly a lot...because they ARE soft and cuddly. 


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