Thursday, June 15, 2023

NEWS: Monster High Amped Up Frankie

I just stumbled upon the listing for Amped Up Frankie on Amazon.

Temporarily out of stock, but at least we can see the pics. 

They're really working the pink this time. 

Somehow the blend of the lighter and hot pinks works very well for them. I love it. 

Definitely like the green accents instead of yellow. 

I'm not into every accessory, but the outfit is great and the boots. 

Plus, I'm a sucker for a keytar. Thanks, Kimber. 

No price up yet, but I will be buying them for sure!

PHOTO CREDIT: Mattel stock images via Amazon.


  1. They look amazing. And while it should feel a bit like overkill, it works for this 80s Glam Rock Type outfit. With some Trans Pride, to boot. (I don't think the pink and blue in her mostly white hair is a coincidence on that front.). Go rock out, Frankie.

    1. I'm not sure what to think on the trans flag colors. Frankie is enby, so I'd rather have another character repping a different pride. More rep from multiple characters, not only from one, you know?

    2. From what I can gather, Non-Binary people do fall under the trans community, since they're also not the gender they're assigned at birth. That said I would also like some more openly Queer characters, yeah.

    3. Ah, okay. With all the different pretty flags, I just assumed they had one, too.

    4. They do, but there's both more specific and more broad flags. I admit I don't quite grasp all the subtleties myself. I just know this detail since it has been discussed in terms of Frankie by people that are far better versed in the subject then me.

    5. I will absolutely defer to you on that. It sounds like you've read more commentary from knowledgeable people than I have and that works for me!
