Wednesday, September 15, 2021

REVIEW: Rainbow High Series 3 Daria Roselyn


Series 3 is so much better than Series 1 and 2. I have a couple faves from each of those (Jade and Sunny, Karma and Stella), but with Series 3, I have 4 strong favorites and then the remaining 2 are also major contenders. They completely knocked it out of the park with these and I don't know how they're going to top them. 

Again, we've got original style hangers. I have no idea why some have the new ones and some the old. But I will say this color instantly hit my nostalgia button, because I swear it's the same as Rose Petal's comb. 

Right out of the box. Ugh. GEL. So much for Series 3 not having gel. Her front curls are pretty heavy with it. 

Oh, and that's the only look you're getting at the white tee under the dress. I hate it. 

The embroidered detail on this jacket is phenomenal. 

And it's off-center box hair. 

Daria hit the salon, which is why her review is several hours later than Georgia's.

Much better. Smooth and silky. 

I love that this dress says "magic" all over it instead of "rainbow" or R or H. I'm really getting tired of that. I can't wait to get a second Emi to put her in this. 

With the awesome jacket. 

I love all of Daria's pieces except the white tee, but this...oh, this. This is my favorite RH outfit yet. 

Black. Pinstripes. Ribbon shoulder straps. Embroidered roses and safety pins. 

It's almost sheer perfection. I would have made the sleeves a tiny bit wider (had some issues putting it on) and a little bit longer, but other than that, perfection. 

Her Briar Beauty shoes. 

The cute socks. She and Emi have the best socks. 

And this is the outfit mine is staying in. I like the boots with the corp goth-esque outfit. 

Unlike every other RH piece, I would actually wear this. Oh, and Emi's black skirt. I'd wear that, too. 

Daria is some level of perfection. 

A lot of people have said they wish she had brown eyes, but I love the super pale on her. They'd be so piercing if she was human that they'd fit her personality perfectly. 


Best RH shoes. 

Another fabric purse! They need to do so many more of these. The detail on this!

None of the girls is a purse designer, right? Daphne's jewelry. I think Ainsley was doing accessories, but she's not a doll yet. They need to do a bag designer. And a shoe designer. 

Sigh. So gorgeous. 

And again, trying to show her eye makeup better. 

One final shot. 

Yeah, Series 3 is impossible to pick a favorite from. I have four of them. Emi is one of my "purple bad girls" and she's Japanese. Georgia is the most beautiful. Daria has the best outfits. Daphne has the best expression. They're all beautiful and wonderful. And so are Sheryl and Gabriella. I'm very curious to see if RH will ever be able to top this series!



  1. Wish she had rose earrings a la Sailor Jupiter, wouldn't that be awesome? I wonder why the tendrils of her hair are not like in the animation, that looks better than them hanging on the sides like the doll

    1. Oh, rose earrings would have been perfect. I wish they'd make jewelry packs, but they can't even do fashion ones. Sigh.

      Her hair is a bit odd, but I still love her.
