Thursday, September 30, 2021

Another year of collecting!

Well, today's my 43rd birthday and I'm thrilled with my dolly incoming list. 

I've got both Freya the fairy and the glorious Halloween LE Elinda coming from Ruby Red Fashion Friends! Elinda is my birthday gift from my mom, so I was pleased that she shipped on my actual birthday. I'll be reviewing both those lovely ladies here. 

I also just received AG's World By Us Maritza yesterday and I'm going to order her some outfit pieces soon. I plan on also ordering Evette after seeing her gorgeous owner photos, so I'll likely combine all that into one post. I rearranged my closet shelving last night to make more AG space. I love that when we moved in, there was all this tiered shelving going up three sides of my high-ceilinged closet. So perfect for my larger dolls! I have definitely bought way more AG since they started doing payment plans. I never thought I'd have Felicity, Courtney, 2 World By Us and 2 Truly Mes all within one fairly short period of time. 

Target puts the Rainbow High rock line up for sale at 3am EST on October 3rd. I was considering getting them with my Redcard discount but now they also sent me a 5% birthday coupon, so for 10% off, I'll likely grab all three. Still waiting on Walmart to give us a date for the slumber line. (Oh, no, someone found them in a store. I'm not ready!) I always say I'm going to be picky, but RH is too tempting, so yeah, I'll probably end up with all six girls. I'm still in love with Series 3! I should do another post of commentary while watching the show. That was fun and I meant to better keep up with it. 

Both of my Mermaid High pre-orders have charged and now say delivery Tuesday! That's exciting. I've been itching to see those in person. 

My mom and I went to a doll show last Saturday and that was fun. It always amuses me that I am invariably the youngest collector there. Doll collecting is definitely something that spans all ages, which is why it's so great. 

As for this blog, keep those codes coming! Even if I don't have a post for the specific line yet, I can always use the codes. I haven't seen those Unicornitos Series 3 yet or the Bright Fairy Friends mermaids (though I may just grab one off Amazon soon), but I will get posts eventually. I still haven't seen the Care Bears Cutetitos in a store so I can finish my set! If there are any toy lines you'd like to see me talk about, let me know and if I collect it, I can work on a post. 

Happy collecting!


  1. Happy Birthday! Can't wait for your reviews, sigh. How I wish Rainbow High was avilable in Mexico :(

    1. Thank you! I hope RH makes its way to you.

  2. A few days late - Happy Birthday! I look forward to another year of reviews!

  3. Happy Birthday, Lori! Always excited to share another year in my forties with another collector my age. Wishing you many more birthdays.
