Saturday, August 1, 2020

REVIEW: Rainbow High Poppy Rowan

Genius me managed to not take a photo of Poppy or Violet in their boxes, but it's not like those are hard to find. 

I've developed a pattern for these girls. I take photos of their accessories and outfits, then get them into the salon. The next day, I'll do their review photoshoots and post the review if I have time. Yesterday, I didn't have time, but I do today, so let's knock Poppy and Violet out. 

Jade and Skyler are here and their hair is still drying, so I may take their photos later, or it may be whenever I have time again. I'm about to be double shifts the next 3 days in a row. 

So here's Poppy's stock outfit. 

That jacket is one of the stiffest pieces of doll clothing I've ever touched! It's hardcore. 

And the second outfit. 

I had thought this was a skirt, so I was surprised to find a little slip dress. The top is cut pretty badly. The clothes in this line are definitely problematic. A lot of pieces are too tight, one is too loose, and a lot of the bodices are cut like a toddler did them. 

With the bustier over it. This just looks wrong. 

And with the jacket. Still looks wrong. This just makes her look lumpy. 

Okay, now this is surprising cute. I honestly almost left her in this. 

Here is the one photo you will see of her sock on. Another problematic part is that the shoes in this line are meant to be slid over the foot. Then they gave a bunch of the girls socks. I had such a hard time getting that shoe on that I vowed never to have her wear the socks. I seriously thought the ankle strap was going to break. 

Seriously, MGAE, the ankle straps are too tight. the shoe itself is too loose. Make the shoe fit properly and give the ankle strap a fastener. Would solve all the problems.  

This is another outfit that almost got left on. 

I love the big boots so much, but they do make her look seriously bottom heavy. They'd be so cute with some tiny hot pants though.

What I planned to keep her dressed in...and then nixed it. 

The bustier is, I think, the only piece in this line so far that is TOO BIG. It has to be worn over something or it won't fasten well in the back. SIGH.

So I fixed it as best I could. That's a tiny Bratz tank top underneath. It helps fill the bustier out better, although it still likes to pop open. 

Then I decided the boots had to go, so here are the shoes. 

Poppy has the best footwear in the line, hands down. Once I get all these reviews done, I'm going to make a new post that's like Best Hair, Best Makeup, Best Shoes, etc. 

A little angle on the hair butterflies. 

Definite missed opportunity here! They could have been earrings, too! Give her the earring holes and she could swap them between her hair and her ears. 

One last pic. 

She really is cute. I think she's the strongest doll overall. I love her hair, although I wish the pink streaks were peach. Love her face and freckles. I love all her outfit pieces except the socks and that's more of a practical dislike. 


I got asked for a pic of the back of her boots, so I took pics from every side. 

The back. 

One side. 

The other side. 

And the front. 



  1. That orange in her hair is much stronger that it seems in the stock images...

    I actually really love her boots though! They're insane. She's the one who makes me almost pull the trigger on this line every time.

  2. Replies
    1. I remember pulling on them a bit and they didn't budge. I didn't test it any further.

  3. Question! What do the stock outfit boots look like from behind? I'm trying to make a 3D model of her and I don't know what the back of the boots look like.

    1. Also, I love your blog. Seriously, your reviews have helped a LOT when I want to purchase a doll. I love how honest you are haha :3

    2. I'll try to take a pic tonight when I get home from work.

      I'm glad I could help! I'm not exactly one to mince words. Heh.

    3. Just wanted to let you know I haven't forgotten you. I took the pictures but I'm having trouble getting my camera to "talk" to my laptop. If I still can't get it soon, I'll take crappy phone pics and see how they come out.

    4. I'm not sure how to add photos in comments, so I'm going to put the four pics I took into the review itself. Hope that helps!

  4. I realized that on my Poppy doll her wing head accessory is put on wrong. Is it detachable?

    1. The butterflies? I tugged on them, but they didn't budge. I've heard of people taking them out, but I'm not sure how well they'd go back in after.

  5. I finally deboxed my Poppy, and came here specifically to read your review... spot on, and happy we agree about the weird stiff coat and dumb gold socks :-)

    1. Glad we're on the same page! I need to get my butt in gear and do my Krystal review. Hopefully this week.
