Wednesday, August 5, 2020

REVIEW: Mattel Zombies 2 Wynter, Willa and Eliza


So I did have more of this line pre-ordered, but I ended up only keeping Wynter, Willa and Eliza. I may get the Addisons and Zed later on, but these three were my faves. 

I loved Wynter in the movie and waiting this long for her doll was not fun! But she's finally here. (She joined Luna on a stack of books on my coffee table for most favorite dolls. I think they'll do well together.) 

These dolls are made by Mattel and cost $19.99 each. 

Deboxing was quite easy. Mattel has been good about that the past couple years. 

I love all the detail on her!

And she looks a lot like the actress. 

Gorgeous face. I adore the makeup and tattoos. The werewolves were the best-designed characters in the movie. 

I love her hair. It's middling quality. Not great, but certainly far from awful. But the style is super cute. 

The detailing on the pants is great. 

Moving on,we've got Willa, the leader of the pack. 

While I love the dolls we got, this line missed the mark by not making Wyatt, Willa's twin and another important character. They also really needed Bree and Bonzo. Even Bucky!

I've seen Willa get some comparisons with Clawdeen. She's definitely not close enough to scream rip off, but yeah, I see it. 

Her boots are gorgeous. 

Again, she looks a lot like the actress. They did a really good job with these.


And finally, the adorable Eliza.

She's one of the zombies. In case that wasn't obvious. Maybe some of you guys haven't seen the movies. You should. They're cute.

Eliza's definitely cute. As with the werewolf girls, they did a great job of making her outfit and the doll looks like the actress. 

Really pleased with how these came out. Their actor likenesses are not always the best. 

Eliza has the same boot mold as Wynter.

Cute face! 

I love her hair, too. 

You might never guess it from seeing them dressed, but Eliza and Willa have the same body mold. 

But Wynter's is completely different! She's got longer legs with bigger thighs and a shorter, more defined torso. 

Wynter's arms are also not only thicker but the elbows are jointed differently. I prefer Wynter's style, because I find the elbows on Willa and Eliza hinter their movement a bit. 

One last shot of my werewolf girls to end things!



  1. These are super nice. Is it bad that I don't really see Clawdeen? I think it's the whole color scheme and not having a giant head.

    I didn't know Mattel was making dolls from Disney movies again...I thought it was a Hasbro took over with things like Descendants. Regardless, I like the likeness better than when Hasbro does them.

    Also, I don't understand why they didn't make dolls for the first movie. It was a cute one. I do need to watch the second one.

    1. Nah, everybody sees differently. I see it in the orange and purple. And the fur, but fur is wolfy in general.

    2. I think with how Hasbro mismanaged Descendants, especially after the second movie, Disney decided to shop around again.

      I don't think Hasbro was ever really after likenesses, with the typical Hasbro heads being so large and cartoonish I think they just go after elements of the 'character'. The one time they went for 'likeness' was that terrible Emma Watson doll from Beauty and the Beast.

  2. Hello! Did you purchase this from Matel? My daughter is dying get this doll for Christmas and I cannot find it anywhere

    1. I got them on Amazon when they came out. They seem to all be out of stock there. Have you tried Googling them or checked ebay?
