Thursday, July 25, 2019

HAIRDUDEABLES: Crack the Code!

The Hairdorables have taken a page from the old Bratz Secret Date line. In the inaugural line of Hairdudeables, six different girls come with six different boys. It's not known if they will eventually switch up, but for the moment, it seems like there are set pairings, so you can easily get the boy you want.

DeeDeeSert comes with Snack Attack Max.

Game On Kali comes with Gamer Greg.

Racin' Rayne comes with Lockin' Logan.

Stencil Sallee comes with Graphic Greg. 

Surf's Up Noah comes with Hang Ten Logan. 

And Willow Cakes comes with BBQ Max. 

Most of the pairings are pretty obvious. The skaters together, the gamers together, the surfers together. Willow, DeeDee and Max are the only ones that are a bit more jumbled. 

PHOTO CREDITS: Screencaps from Youtube. 


  1. Thanks for posting the code! Shame the two ones I want come with Max both times (Dee Dee & Willow). I'm loving Logan, he's such a cutie!! 😍

  2. I'm guessing Max is just going to be food-themed all the time so they put him with food themed 'Dorables.
