Thursday, April 21, 2022

NEWS: Rainbow High Series 4

Going out of my comfort zone here because you guys know I hate posting unsourced images, but these are stock pics which in my opinion are a free for all. 

Plus, it's RH Series 4 and we've been waiting for this amazingness, so let's dig in. 

This is Mila Berrymore the burgundy character. When we got her name teased the other day, I wasn't a fan of the "berry" part. Berry isn't burgundy to me. But the doll does have some pinky-purple streaks going on in her hair, so I'm letting it slide. 

This is the only shot that shows the glory of her second outfit. The boots look like embroidered leather, so thankfully we're getting the Shadow High fabric boots in the main line, too. Yes! 

I feel like this is my predictable favorite of the set.. I love burgundy. Love all the black. Love the edgier bits. 

The only part I'd yoink is the earrings. 

Gah, I don't even know which outfit I'll put her in! I love both. Might have to buy two. 

Mila just beat Daria out for best shoes in the entire line. 


SO HAPPY we're getting South Asian representation! It's about time. 

I'm glad that she's not neon orange, too. She appears to be saffron, which makes sense, as saffron is important in India. It can be used in dye and perfume so I'm hoping she's textiles. and Meena is an Indian name so yay. 

THAT SECOND OUTFIT. And she has flats! Maybe these will come with the changeable legs.


Her hair looks really gelled in the boxed pic but better here. I hope they chill with the gel.

This outfit is cute but simple. I think I'll have her in the second one. I wonder if the long skirt will fit over these pants. 



Another doll that's simply perfection. Mostly. I would have used this opportunity to experiment with piercings and given her a nose ring. Very cultural. If even Priya in Turning Red can have a nose ring with her strict parents, then Meena should have had one. 

Sweet, sweet Delilah. If Mila is my obvious fave, Delilah is my not obvious fave. Except she has glasses and some of you probably know I love glasses. 

All these clothes are so cute. Looks like a little country girl. I hope she has an accent. A lot of the characters really sound the same now so the ones that stand out best are the accented ones. 

I have died of her cuteness. 

Glasses! Woo! It's about time. 

Cute cute cute.

Okay, so the top three are my favorites. I love them loads. The next two less so. 

I love dark green. I'm glad they're finally using it. And while I love the idea of a character with vitiligo, I do think they made it a little too pretty. It's not exactly symmetrical but there's a definite balance to the lighter parts. Points for getting her eyebow though. That's a nice and accurate touch. 

I'm not wowed by her main outfit, though the second one is nice. 

Love the jewelry. 


She has a sort of evil royalty vibe. I think it's the slicked back ponytail with all the flashy jewelry and the fur. Or maybe the sequins are edging her into soap opera villain. 

I do like her. Just not as much as the first three.

Poor Coco is by far my least favorite. 

I adore the gorgeous blue of her hair with her skintone, but everything 

Sporty is so not my thing. 

This is a more flattering pic of her.

I would have loved her a lot more with microbraids. These dolls are stunning but again, there's a complete lack of hair variety. It's sad when the only real variety in hair is that Lila has an updo.

I cannot decide how I feel about the white lines. They gave her an almost alien look in the boxed pic but here I see more cat and that's way better. She's much prettier here. 

I do love her name though. Best thing about her. COco VanderBALT. Cobalt. 

Ah, a Japanese girl! Eee! I'm also happy to see an updo. If I can't have short hair, at least give me some updos. 

That second outfit. She's going to look so pretty in that. 

I can't wait to learn this girl's personality because her style is all over the place. She definitely took some style lessons from Bratz Dance Crewz Jade. 

I love this skirt. 

I adore this style and the blend of hair colors. 

I would have loved a purple lipcolor though. Maybe they didn't because Emi had it but still. 

What the hell are these things? I don't even know where to begin with how much I hate these. Thankfully she has that adorable second pair of shoes. 

Box art! I almost didn't post this but I didn't want my last pic to be Lila's bad shoe choice.

I absolutely adore Mila, Meena and Delilah. I like Lila a lot, and Jewel and Coco are quickly growing on me. Another stellar RH series. 


PHOTO CREDITS: Stock pics so MGAE.


  1. I wonder If Delilah is meant to represent someone with albinism? More specifically a black woman with it?
    I only say this because she seems to have a facesculpt with a wider nose and she has baby hairs. She has white eyelashes and freckles and of course, she uses glasses, and people with albinism tend to have poor sight.
    Regardless she is very interesting.
    I would say my favorite is the Burgundy doll too, but overall, I think I like the fashions from wave 3 much more.

    1. I think Delilah does represent albinism, though I have no guess as to which race she is. I'm not good at these molds anymore because there are so many of them and it's hard to tell with the glasses blocking her facial proportions. If she was representing a black person with albinism, I wish they would have textured her hair instead of giving her Goldilocks.

  2. Please, dolly gods, if Delilah has a country/southern accent, please don't let it be the deep fried fake one people like to trot out and pretend it's ~authentic~. I love her white lashes (as close as I'll get to doll version of mine, I suspect) and glasses.

    I'm digging most of these and even the ones I'm kinda meh on have something I love. I would kill for Mila's second outfit. So pretty!
