Saturday, February 29, 2020

Let's Do the Dirty Work First.

I've got some fun Cave Club stuff to talk about, thanks to ToyWiz and their promo pic game, but first, I've got to get my hands dirty and deal with some drama.

It's been so long. It's almost exciting.

If anyone's out there letting kids read this blog, you might want to pass this post over. I try to use more family-friendly language in the toy-centric posts, but for this type of thing, I can't guarantee clean word choices. In fact, I CAN guarantee I won't use clean word choices in the least.

So when I was doing one of my Toy Fair posts, I found the best picture of the bunch on Instagram and linked to it. I did notice one really shitty comment underneath it and made note of it here under my link, as a warning to those who clicked the link.

Here's what I said:
"I'm super excited for Emily and rolled my eyes hardcore at the comments by people bitching because she got in before some of the originals. So the F what. Grow up. And stop using 'triggered' to reference things that are minor. Those aren't triggers. Rude, ignorant little children."

Then someone who either knows the OP or actually IS the OP decided to be rude to me here, because they disagreed with my thinking misusing "triggered" was harmful. They went on for several comments, which I ended up deleting, because I like to keep things pleasant. I did agree with them on one single point: that I shouldn't be linking to somewhere with content I didn't like. So I made my own screenshot, used it and deleted my original commentary in the blog itself, as well as all the comments. The negative person went away and I thought this was taken care of, but of course, nope, the OP has shit to say, too.

However, if you're really, truly going to call someone out, you might want to...oh, I dunno...make them aware of it? I learned this secondhand from a friend. It's been days since it was posted, I think.

So there's a pic with a few screenshots. They kinda make it look like I posted entirely about what they said, which isn't true. And that I included a picture of their original comment, which also is not true.

It seems their issue with me is that I said something about them without talking to them first. Which is pretty funny, considering they posted this fabulous "call out" without saying a word to me. Unless they were actually the nasty person that was commenting here, although that person professed that the OP did not yet know about the incident.

Well, here's my first point: I didn't say anything to them, because I didn't want to interact with them. I don't like Instagram. I don't plan on using it whatsoever. I'm never going to post pictures there. I just wanted to see the Toy Fair photos being posted and link to them in posts here until we get something better. (If we get something better. My favorite source has been failing.) So I'm sorry, random stranger, but I didn't want to spend the time to comment under you to criticize how you used "triggered" in a completely casual way, which I find very disrespectful to people with actual triggers.

Secondly, and I'm sure the people who want to hate me will just plain not believe this, but I didn't realize the person who made the ignorant comment was the same person who ran the account. Do people often comment on their own photos? Is that an Instagram thing? Because, as I said, I don't plan on using it at all, so I haven't bothered to pay attention to how people do stuff there. So yeah, I had no idea the comment and post were both made by the same person. If I had realized it, I wouldn't have used the link at all. And that's another reason why I didn't say anything to the person who left the comment. Because I didn't want to stir up shit under someone else's account.

I do wish I'd noticed, because then I would have just gone immediately and made my own picture, not bothering with any Instagram nonsense at all. Yep, I fully admit that was wrong of me. If you want something done right, do it yourself instead of being lazy and linking to something with a comment that bothers you. Lesson learned.

So yeah, definitely sorry about that. But if you expect an apology for being pissed off at the casual use of "triggered," you're not gonna find one. Because I think it's exactly what I said the first time: rude, ignorant and childish.

And yes, that comment is 100% trash content. I absolutely said that and stand by it. The entire account is not trash, because I didn't look at it. What I said about trash was directed only at that single comment.

I don't know when casually using "triggered" became a thing. I've only noticed it very recently. I cringe every time I read it, because I really do find it that ignorant. Some people probably don't realize when they're throwing it around that it's not slang. It is indeed an actual term. A real trigger is something that reminds you of a past traumatic experience. They can even cause serious reactions like panic attacks. They are certainly not the presence of a particular character in a doll line. I do find using it so casually and thoughtlessly to be a terrible practice that people should stop immediately. It is not cute slang. It's a term that needs to be respected, because respecting the term means respecting the people that actually have triggers. This isn't something I will ever change my mind on, so don't even waste time trying to say that it's harmless, like the person who left nasty comments here did. It IS harmful, whether you think so or not. Apparently, OP thinks I'm mean and disrespectful because I said this, but to me, what they did is far, far worse, and I do not apologize for a single second for voicing my opinion on it. Especially now in the light of them saying they stand by what they said and consider it a joke even. That's so awful. I hope someday they realize how disrespectful it really is.

I've been doing doll-related things online for years. People should know me by now. I am Opinionated. Capital fucking O. That should probably be fully in caps even. And italicized. Some people think I am rude or mean. That's fine by me. Think what you like, but I am never going to be afraid to say what I think, especially when it comes to what I consider wrong behavior. If you don't like it, you don't have to read this blog.

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