Wednesday, February 5, 2020

HAIRDORABLES Series 4 Part 3

Got some new girls from Series 4 to share!

I got Ice Ice Harmony and DeeDee Float in a trade.

This Harmony wasn't high on my want list, but she's super cute in person.

I think this is my first repeat dress sticker, so those are not unique to each doll.

Love her little side braids.

She's got cherries on her bottle, which is usually an indicator  of what scent she is, but this doll is totally cotton candy.

Shades on.

Crookedly because I suck.

A little better look at her outfit.

I love those translucent boots!

Then we've got DeeDee Float, who really should smell like root beer. I'm disappointed she doesn't. She's like vaguely vanilla-ish.

This was not one on my want list at all, but Hairdorables are powerful and it doesn't take much to win me over.

I adore her purse.

I like how she looks prim and proper and a little retro.


Yes, glad I got her!

I got Beam Me Up Neila from ebay, because Neila's my favorite and I have no patience when it comes to her.

I love that this one comes with that adorable alien toy! Neila clearly is either skilled at carnival games or spent a lot of money to finally win!

Her dress sticker is one I haven't seen before.

So cute!

Neila's scent is watermelon, marked on the bottle and stickers, and she smells pretty strongly of it. In a good way.

I like the heavier eyeshadow on her. It's pretty.

A little bit closer shot.


I love these glasses, but this is one whose hairstyle and eyes I don't want covered up!

I gave them to Night Sky Neila and she's got them propped on her head.

I ordered one more doll off Amazon and was absolutely thrilled when I opened the box and saw that telltale gold stand! 

Sugar Skull Skylar!

This doll was most certainly supposed to be a rare. She has a special stand color, tinsel in her hair, a glittery flower headband, and the silver paint on her name brush. 

Love her makeup!

She also has multicolored tinsel in her hair. It's pink, gold and blue. 

There is a little lavender streak on the underside of her hair. 

This Skylar does have one big flaw that seems to be on all the dolls found so far. She has the big boots from Cinnamon Skylar, whereas Cinnamon Skylar has the delicate flower sandals that this doll should have. 

Her stock hairstyle is a ponytail, but I had to free all that multicolored tinsel. 

The one bad thing about having her hair down is that her little ear curls are hidden that way. I love these!

Flower Power Rayne has also informed me that this is how her headband is worn. 

She's so smug. 

I've got two more coming from Mercari, so there will be a Part 4 soon. I may order a couple more from Amazon on Friday, too. 



  1. I'm from ye Mexican culture so that Skylar is amazing in my op
    I don't mind the boots now though,
    Do you think she'd be hard to find?
    Since she was originally supposed to be a rare?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi! For how much do you sell your duplicates on eBay? Can you give me a link to your account?

    1. I don't actually sell on ebay. I put them up for trade or sale in the Facebook Hairdorables group I run.
