Friday, June 17, 2016


Since it's Friday morning and I'm not sleepy yet, let's do today's Fridoll Five.

#3: First and Last

1. What's the first doll that you remember receiving? (What was it wearing? Do you still have it?)

My first doll was a Baby Beans Talking Beans. I think I still have her in my selection of really old childhood toys. I don't remember receiving her though. It's honestly hard to say, because I have old pictures of myself receiving dolls, but I don't know if I have the actual memory or if it's just triggered by the photos. So I guess I can't really answer.

2. What's the last doll that you received as a gift?

Mom got me the new Shopkins Shoppies (Sara Sushi and Rainbow Kate).

3. What's the first doll that you bought for yourself?
For the customizers: What's the first doll that you customized? 

That I bought for myself with my own saved up money? Do you know how long ago that was? Yeesh! I can't remember that! If anyone my age can remember the first toy they bought with their own money when they were that young, I give you massive memory credit. I do have memories of buying ponies with my own money, but no doll memories stick out until later on. The first dolls I bought in adulthood were the US-sold Sailor Moon line, Jetta and Roxy from Jem, and Generation Girl Dance Party Lara. I credit Lara as really starting my adult doll collecting off.

4. What's the last doll that you bought for yourself?
For the customizers: What's the latest doll that you customized?

Monster High Frightmares Merry Trotabout and Meadoe Flurry.

5: What doll do you next hope to purchase?
(You can just list the next doll in chronological order, or share a brief wishlist.)

All five Wellie Wishers! And EAH Jillian Beanstalk and Meeshell Mermaid if they'd ever come on Amazon already.

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