Wednesday, July 20, 2022

REVIEW: Shadow High Neon Shadow Mara Pinkett

I ordered my Shadow High Neon Shadow trio from Amazon. I was happy to see the $39.99 price when I'd expected $50. 

Mara arrived first last Friday with Uma and Harley coming on Sunday. Sunday and Monday especially are my busy days and they needed salon time, so today was the first day I've had a chance to do the reviews. 

I'm starting with Mara because she's the one where I photographed the back of the box.

Drums, hangers, comb, stand. 

Second outfit: Hot pink studded dress, plaid jacket, studded black leather boots.

First outfit: Worst doll hat EVER, neon pink fabric boots, pink vest, black t-shirt dress.

Photographing her in this ugly hat killed a tiny piece of my soul. 

Accessories unpictured before: drumsticks and pink hoop earrings. 

Much better. 

This is post-salon time. I was nervous about washing her few spots of gel out, but the crimping stayed in place! I am a sucker for crimped hair. Call it nostalgia. I wish they'd done this on Daphne! This is what I wanted for her way back then. 

So this is the hot pink dress with the hot pink boots. She's really so bright. 

With the vest. Let's just go all pink. 

Now we switch to the black. 

With the jacket. I love this look. 

I was trying to photograph the Shadow Rock on her back but it doesn't want to come out. 

Ah, well. At least her makeup looks cool. 

I love these simple hoop earrings, too. I don't mind giant hoops when they're in more interesting materials than just gold and silver.

Pink dress, black boots. 

With the jacket. This is what I had originally planned on leaving her in. 

She's badass. 

Final look! I switched back to the black. I love the pink dress a lot, but I think the black looks better with the jacket and I definitely wanted her in the jacket. 

I love Mara way more than I expected. I think she has the best outfits for mixing and matching and I like all her pieces except that hideous hat. 



  1. she's gorgeous! can you tell me what her hair is like? i need to decide between her or uma but her hair looks like it might be the not so good dry frizzy kind of crimped hair, like cave club.

    1. Her hair is as good as crimped hair can be. It's not silky like straight or wavy hair, but I definitely would not describe it as dry or frizzy. You just have to wash the gel out and then let it air dry. Don't brush it. That makes crimped hair worse. I think she's got the best quality crimped hair I've ever seen.
