Thursday, July 7, 2022

REVIEW: Art Squad Vannah

Okay, now it's Vannah's turn!

I love her outfit and her color scheme is totally what made me want her most. 

"Classic and Cute." I'm not sure any of this is "classic," but it's definitely cute. 

Vannah comes with mostly the same pieces as Nene. She does have 3 paint pots and a regular paintbrush though, as opposed to Nene's jar of black paint and sponge. 

The flower clip-on is meant to be painted, as Vannah is a painter, not etched like Nene's.

And she has a comb instead of a brush. 

Very cute! 

From the side. 

I adore her shoes! 

Her hair is wonderfully curly and very thick. 

Vannah's outfit is her top, pants, shorts that go over the pants, denim jacket, shoes, and bracelet. 

Her jacket has a plastic pocket in the back that comes with a piece of plain white cardboard. You're supposed to do a teeny tiny painting on it and put it back in, but my painting skills do not work that small! I cut out a couple pictures from the box to use instead. 

Why not have a picture of yourself on your jacket? 

She has gold undies. 

Whew! Doing her outfit took longer than Nene's pants because obviously, there are two pieces. But also, the pattern is more intricate. 

I left the background of her top white for now. I'm not sure if I'll keep it that way. I kinda want to make it blue, but then again, I do like the white and there's no turning back. 

Shorts on. 

And her final shot. I like this outfit. I like seeing the riot of colors, but I also like how the shorts and jacket break it up a bit. 

I wasn't sure if I was going to love these and let's face it, they're not the prettiest dolls in the world, but I ended up loving them a lot more than I expected to! They were a ton of fun and I definitely want Andi. And maybe Lady T. (I like the doll. I just don't care for her clothes or shoes.) 

The girls together. 

And one more. Adorable! 


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