Friday, July 29, 2022

REVIEW: Fur By the Foot

Ever since first seeing photos of these, I've been itching to get my hands on some. I needed a little retail therapy after a rough work week, so I ordered five of them from Amazon. 

They're $20.99 apiece and most of the time, you'll get two plush inside. 1 out of every 4 has three plush inside. 

I can't find any sort of code on the packaging and based on the assortments I got, I think these are completely blind, so there's no way of knowing what's inside. 

I suppose it would be possible to weigh them and find ones with 3 inside, but there's no telling which 3 they'll be. 

The concept of these is the old bubblegum tape containers. You open the side and pull on the fuzzy end to unroll your plushies. 

Each plush is attached by an elastic strap and if they have a long tail, there's a slit the tail goes through. 

It's designed so you can easily put them back on the "tape" and wind them back up again. 

This roll has two plush and at the end, there's the checklist and instructions in a little plastic bag. 

So these are my first two. 

Ice Lemonade Kitty on the left.

Cotton Candy Bunny on the right.

My second roll had Groovy Grape Poodle and Gumball Print Puppy. 

My third roll also had the gumball puppy, this time paired with Spicy Cinnamon Kitty Cat. 

The fourth roll had Orange Creamsicle Leopard and Strawberry Mouse. 

The fifth roll had the cinnamon cat and the grape poodle, but at the very back was the Pineapple Llama. She's one of the rare ones. 

The llama is also the only one I got that has the longer limbs. The others all have shorter arms and legs and long tails (or ears).

Checklist with all the common ones.

And the remaining four commons, plus the two twin sets, the three rares, and the ultra rare. 

So out of 11 total plush, I got 8 different ones. Not the greatest odds and there are no codes. They are very cute though and I like them. They look like they should be scented but I think the scents would blend together in the case too much. 

I definitely want more because I managed to not get a single one of my favorites! I like the grape poodle and the cinnamon cat, but they weren't even in my top 5 choices. I do like the strawberry mouse a lot and wouldn't have picked him from the checklist as a potential fave. I'll post pics again when I get more. I'm planning a large Amazon order when stuff comes out on Monday. 


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