Saturday, July 24, 2021

REVIEW: B-Kind Daisy

I need to get to bed, so I'll keep this brief and mostly pics. 

Daisy arrived from Walmart today. I do have Brianna in hand, but I'm not happy with her lips, so I need to go buy a better one before I review her. Koral shipped today and FedEx is saying she'll come tomorrow, but we'll see. 

Back of the box. 

She shares a birthday with one of my bestest friends. 

She has the pillow pet, brush, purse and decorating tools, inspirational message to herself, and instructions the same as the other girls. 

Her project is making little bean bags, so there's fabric for two of those, sewing supplies, and stuffing. The big bag of stuffing is not visible from the outside of her box. You have to look inside behind where the doll is. 

I thought for sure she'd be my second favorite, but I honestly really love Ivy. So I'm torn. Let's say they're tied. 

I love her overalls and the adorable blouse. 

Her earrings are super cute and the little barrette by the bun is a nice touch. 

Her hair is a lovely darker red with purple streaks. 

Now unlike Ivy and Nora, Daisy does use a bit of hair gel, but it isn't where you'd think. It's not on the buns. It's on the bit of hair sticking out from the ends of the buns. It also got onto the loose part of her hair that's right beneath the gelled hair ends, which makes sense. That brushed out easily. For the most part, her hair is just as lovely and gel-free as the other two. 


Best shoes so far. Hands down. By a lot. I love those heels!

She's very cute. 

With her purse. I like that hers isn't as matchy as the others'. 

Daisy does have light freckles, though I'm not sure they show well in any of my photos. 

So another adorable B-Kind girl! I'm glad I caved and bought all of these. Definitely a fan of this line. 



  1. i saw these in stores today and i was surprise how large they are! I prefer smaller dolls so they are easier to display

    1. I love them in all sizes. My main thing with my collection is diversity in all forms. I have BJDs over 2 feet tall and tiny dolls only 2 inches tall.
