Wednesday, July 14, 2021

IN STOCK: Hairdorables Series 6! Yes, really!

I'm sure many of you are like me and wondering if we were going to see the Series 6 Hairdorables in the US at all. I only know of one collector in Asia who's gotten them so far. 

But yay! Thankfully, one of my Facebook group members is a seriously diehard collector and he provided the link. I've been caught up in other things today so I didn't even see it until 7 hours after he posted! But they're still in stock. I bought...many. I'm not huge into this particular series, so I likely won't buy any more blind. I'll pick up ones I'm missing via the secondary market. 

Check out the link for pics of 11 of the 15 dolls. 


  1. I'm not sure if you've seen, but there are new Cutetitos exclusive to Walmart! they're carnival themed 😭😭

    1. Agh, more already? I think there's another series of Babitos coming and Care Bear ones, too. I found them on but they're out of stock. Looks like a Walmart a little out of the way from me has the Care Bear ones. I'll have to go shopping next week!
