Thursday, September 21, 2023

Shadow High Series 3 Bios

Well, the new Shadow High bios are up and...they exist. 

Gah, they are SO BAD. Who is even getting paid to write this drivel? UGH. 

Oliver's is one of the better ones. My only real complaint is that his "Why fit in when you can stand out?" completely goes against the whole concept of him being comfortable everywhere. Clearly, he does fit in. A lot. 

I like that Berrie is making clothes and accessories from old items. It would be cooler if she was a double focus then. 

The weirdness of the Fashion & Style Details section is pretty high. I don't think we were supposed to see those parts. We never have before. 

Lavender's makes it even more obvious that those details were in-house notes. 

They really would have been better off referring to the face sculpts by the name of the first character that used it. 

I love that she isn't rich. At least one of these kids has a damn job, aside from Ruby and Kia. 

So Rosie Redwood is from Colorado. Where there are zero redwoods. Ugh. 

They can't even spell cosmetology right. 

Yep, Pinkie James. That's a very German name. I'm offended they wasted Germany on this girl. It would have been fine if she'd only had at least one of her names be German. And if her outfit didn't suck but that's another story...

They couldn't even decide what her focus was, though at least they can spell this time. 

Nice weak catchphrase. I really hope this writer is making next to nothing because that's what they deserve. 

I read Scarlet's first because a) of course I did and b) she was first in line anyway. I was originally really annoyed that hers is so simple, but now that I've read the others, she at least dodged the bullet of the weird, should have stayed behind the scenes design section. 

I quite like how she sounds, but I hate that there's zero explanation of Storywood. That's not sci fi. I get that they want to keep it secret because that's what MGAE is obsessed with, but how hard would it have been to just say she was a fan?

If you keep going with RH/SH, MGAE, please hire a new writer. These are truly awful. 


  1. Scarlet's hits some good notes for me, mostly because I was seeing her as a horror writer. (Though they probably go more... spooky then outright horror. But hey, this is a line for kids.)
    Pinkie just feels like wasted potential. Like, I suspected she was a streamer, but with her Switch accessory and Minecraft book I was hoping she'd be a Let's Player, not a run-of-the-mill Streamer. Or maybe, like, a reaction/review channel about, y'know, movies? That would've fit with her focus.
    Berrie Skies' is just kinda tone deaf. I get that she's supposed to be 'Techy', but it also says she's an artist and... well let me tell you, she's the first artist I've seen who doesn't hurl at the prospect of AI generated art. And even without that caveat, it just feels tacked on to have a tech-focussed character be 'With it' which... will just make her feel dated eventually.
    Sorry for the ramble of those two. They very much feel like MGA trying to tap into certain hobbies without really knowing what they're about. I mean, with Scarlet it does feel like they've at least tapped an actual writer on the shoulder, strange disconnect with her Storywood accessory notwithstanding.
    Sorry for the ramble but I feel quite close to some of these doll's hobbies and they go from vague to 'Could've been more interesting' to 'That's not how that works!'

    1. I wondered about the AI thing, but not being an artist, I didn't want to say anything on that.

      MGAE is very much the no research company. It's clear they just randomly pick locations for their characters to be from. Very rarely is thought put into it. Scarlet's Marfa is one of the only well thought out ones I've seen pretty much ever. And Pinkie's is just insulting. I would have loved her to have either of her names actually be German, but no. Let's just pick a location we haven't done yet. So it also makes sense that they'd have no grasp of the reality of the hobbies their characters have. I mean, this is the company that gave us the Maria Garcia debacle, which is better left not talked about.

    2. I remember Garcia, yeah. MGA tends to really drop the ball there. Which is a real bummer because getting it right can really elevate a doll from just pretty to an actual fun character that you might be able to relate to. That said, in the end I'll usually still buy a pretty doll, but I will give them my own personalities.

  2. Also Rosie, darling. Hiking? In THAT?! (Though with that one I'm mostly joking. I highly doubt they'd imply she'd go hiking and skying in high heels and a fur coat.)

    1. I thought the same thing, but I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt and thinking she dresses properly for hiking, just with some flair.
