Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Dolly Insider's "Friday Dolly Questions" Part 6

#34: What skills have you learned because of your dolls?

How to cram as many as possible onto a shelf without them falling. 

I'm not crafty, so I can't say sewing. I'm not bad with fixing doll hair, but it's on such a basic level compared to others. I'm pretty confident that I'm not going to butcher anyone's hair if I have to give them their proper short hair on my own, so I am proud of that at least. But I certainly don't count myself as particularly skilled at it. Just confident that I won't ruin the doll utterly. I'm not an artsy photographer. I used to have more fun with that kind of thing, but I just don't have the time or settings these days. And I wouldn't say I was skilled at it either. My main goal with taking pictures is to help people see if they want to buy the doll or not, so hopefully I'm at least successful at that. 

So yeah, I'm gonna go with showing off as much as possible without the dolls falling off the shelves!

#35: What doll would you like to see re-released?


This is my grail doll. 

I hate when people misuse that term. You're only supposed to have ONE grail and it's something that you'll very likely never get. 

I would kill for any one of these girls, but the one above is my grail. 

I'm not even really a BJD person anymore, but I've never stopped loving these ladies. They're glorious.

#36: What props/accessories do your dolls enjoy?

I used to have such elaborate setups. Bedrooms. All sorts of accessories and toys for them. I simply don't have the space for it anymore. There's one fancy bed that the MH girls are currently using, with Cleo's vanity beside it. Mostly for my regular displays, the dolls just have their own accessories or sometimes a small figure nearby, like little pets. 

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