Tuesday, September 12, 2023

NEWS: Disney ILY Cruella


Amazon has the ILY Cruella doll available to order, though she is currently in "temporarily out of stock" limbo.

I clicked the video in her listing, though it doesn't show her at all, only the other four. What I'm disturbed about is that apparently someone at Jakks or Disney thought it would be a good idea to pronounce this line's name as "illy." 

Nope. Not a good idea. It sounds beyond s-illy. 


  1. Pfffft at the 'Illy' thing. Like, that's just... illy. Though now I have Rapper Illy's 'Swear Jar' song in my head.

    1. I actually said "Whaaaaaaaaaat?" out loud, even though it's the middle of the night and I'm alone in the living room. I never in a million years thought they'd pronounce it like an actual word.

      Although I have to admit, I pronounce the LOL in LOL Surprise as "lall," but that's how I've always jokingly pronounced it and now it's just stuck.
