Tuesday, March 1, 2022

MONTH IN REVIEW: December 2021, January & February 2022

Man, I totally got behind on my Month in Review posts! Whoops. 

So we've got December, January and February to whip through. There's actually not that much. Most of what I've gotten has been reviewed.

Taffy here I imported from the UK in December. Actually bought him and Ambassador while I was in the hotel on my way back from vacation. Taffy is a gorgeous Secret Collection bear that hasn't come to the US yet, so I'm glad I imported.

This big fella is another Secret Collection that hasn't made it to the US yet. 

I also ordered Dreamy while I was on vacation. He was one of the Cuddle Time bears on the show that aired the very day I was driving the first leg of the way down to Florida. He wasn't really on my radar, but I ordered the Turret pin so I grabbed him along with it, and I'm really glad I did. Dreamy is one of my sleeper hits of 2021. He's tyber, so he's incredibly soft, but he's also a bit bigger than Bambino and Moppet, but smaller than Dimples. He's almost this perfect size for cuddling and I've used him for comfort many times since he arrived. I'm thrilled they're releasing three more similar bears in this year's collection. 

Lukasz is another Secret Collection. I snared him on CB Direct, but stockists are getting him in right now, so he's finally officially in the US.

I love that name. 

And another Secret Collection. I got her along with Lukasz. 

So those were my December bears. 

January finally brought a delivery to our poor US stockists. I ended up with this grumpy Misty. If there is a grumpy option or a wide-eyed option, those tend to be the faces I gravitate towards. 

Like my Rockpile who is so over absolutely everything and you're gonna have to hear all about it. 

This is the Kaleidoscope I picked out from my stockist. I do like the one I got from CB Direct UK, but I love this one. 

And here's Kermode, the fourth arrival from this shipment. He's an adorable chonk. 

I found this beautiful, practically new condition Hugga Bunch at the antique mall. I used to have a few of these, but sold them all. I have Hugsy's huglet, one of the Taco Bell ones, and the vinyl doll of this same character. That's all that's left of my original collection. I'm deliberately not saying this girl's name. It did not age well, though it was never a good name to begin with. I've decided to rename her Dolores, because she reminds me of Dolores from Encanto. 

I grabbed Donald from QVC and was not disappointed. I like to use QVC for those bears I'm not totally sure I'm going to love.

I bought this stunning Steiff gorilla (right) from Amazon after seeing him advertised on Facebook. He's pictured here with Congo (left) from the CB Bearhouse line. 

I only have one other Steiff, a toucan I bought in Germany way back in 1995. 

I actually also bought a quokka after this, but I never photographed him. 

My Darlin' Dinos bendable collection has expanded to three. I think this is one of each character. I don't know much about these, but Ghost of the Doll has pictures of the blue one in both pink and dark purple, so likely the other two also have multiple color variants. 

That's all for January. 

 I got this bootleg Turning Red plush off Amazon and I love it. 

Sprout I've actually had since December, but only recently did he take his place with the other bears and get photographed. I had to do some cleaning work on him because he had cat smell on his back. This is the second time I've had to do this, though not nearly as extensively as the first time. I just run him through the washer and then let him sit wrapped in dryer sheets for months. 

I beg people to tell when they have cats. Some of them are so damn nose blind. Clean your freakin' litter boxes, people. Come on. 

And February's last arrival was Patience, who tried mine. Or rather, USPS did. She kept getting scanned in Greenville from Thursday through yesterday before finally arriving yesterday. 

Patience is an older bear from 2015 that I got a nice ebay deal on. She's one I've wanted for years but been very picky about, so it's nice she's finally here. 

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