Tuesday, February 15, 2022

NEWS: Mermaze Mermaidz

Finally, we've got all five of these revealed. 

Staggering the promos was not a good idea. It completely backfired on me and I'm less interested in this line than ever. I honestly don't know if I'll even get one. 

So Harmonique is the inevitable singing one. She's actually really cool. I love her tail and they did a great job on her outfit and hairstyle. She's a pink singer, but she's actually an interesting pink singer for once. 

Still disappointed these all have the same face. Still disappointed they're not nearly as articulated as they should be for that price point. 

We'll see what my mood is when they actually finally release. I have the Harmonique pre-order that was briefly up on Amazon and they just changed my estimated delivery from March to April. Could be a while! I was going to cancel the pre-order when I saw what the doll looked like, but for now, I'm going to keep it. Maybe I'll still try one of these and it will be Harmonique. Skip Riviera and her nightmare hair and Jordie with her creepy laced tail. 

PHOTO CREDITS: Official Mermaze Facebook.


  1. I waited til all 5 were released to see if I got excited for these...and I still don't know how I feel. And I LOVE MERMAIDS, which is sad cause I wanted to be super excited for them. I think it's their faces. For me it's not that they're the same, it's that expression they all have.
    I really hate the promo pictures with the pink-sh filter as well because they look so different from the other promotions they did all over social media. Which was interesting? I don't know. Looking forward to your real life review before I actually get one.

    1. My bathroom is all mermaid decor, so I definitely love them, too. (I prefer fairies, but mermaids are fab also.) I honestly don't know what I'm going to do with these. I hate to pay full price for one, you know? I may stick with my Harmonique pre-order or I may cancel it and get Riviera instead or I may get none of them until they go on sale. Or maybe wait til I see them in person? I have no idea.

  2. I'm also surprisingly in love with her - to me her tail looks like rock candy! :D
