Friday, February 18, 2022

REVIEW: Zombaes Forever Part 2


Time for a follow up to yesterday's Zombaes review!

I got my 10 from Amazon and was super happy to get 5 more that I needed. So now we have all but 2 codes. I was able to skip Love Struck. I got her today but I'll be returning her. I just have no interest in her. The ones I didn't get were Shop Til You Drop (though my guess for her code is 80) and the rare, Glitter Bomb. I'm happy because I didn't want the shopping one and I don't care if I have the rare, so the five I got were the exact five I wanted. I did get 4 total of Miss Everlasting. It's possible she's packed heavily. 


This is just going to be a quick speed through, no detailed or undressed pics. I'm starting my busiest part of the week, so I don't have much free time. 

This is Cold Hearted. She's transparent where her body shows, which is super awesome. I love that she's a little ice cream waitress. The ice cream cone was a minor struggle to get on but I managed.

She has snowflakes in her eyes. 

Stickers and card.

This is Ready to Drop, our sleepy girl. 

She has Zs in her eyes. 

Stickers and card. And sleep mask. 

Our cool-colored girls. 

Miss Everlasting, minus her sash. 

Her eyes are a skull inside a heart. 

Stickers and card. 

My second fave, Rock in Peace. 

I love the tongue. 

Her eyes are lightning bolts and music notes. 

I noticed on her stickers that some of them have photos of their significant others or crushes. 

Both Rock in Peace and Strike Out have photos of girls. Love it!

I opened this girl third and was SO HAPPY. As you can imagine, she's my favorite. 

I'm not a fan of the fat skirts though. Both she and Miss Everlasting have huge skirts that are hard to fit with the stands. 

So pretty! 

Her eyes are bats in front of a vertical white slit. Very cool. 

Stickers and card. And her sunglasses as I'm not hiding those eyes. 

My faves!

And these are all the dislikes. 

A friend pointed out to me that they have different patterns on their brains, so here's what I discovered.

Heart pattern: Strike Out, Mourning Workout, Ready to Drop

Rainbows and stars pattern: Rock in Peace

Bows and pearls: Cold Hearted

Roses: Miss Everlasting, She's Shady

So we have all but two codes now. I've updated the list at:

Who's your favorite?


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