Saturday, April 29, 2023

NEWS: IMC Toys' VIP Hair Academy

This first official link to a VIP Hair Academy doll has been found on I totally forgot about this line. 

IMC Toys are most know for their VIP Dogs (and Cats) and the Cry Babies line with their accompanying BFFs. 

While I do like the VIP Pets a lot, I've never bought a Cry Babies BFF because they suffer from next level sameness. Almost all of them are white. There are maybe two with brown eyes. And so far, both series have used the same color schemes with minor variances. The entire first series uses only white, pink, pale yellow, blue (mostly pastel), purple (mostly lavender), and a hint of black on the dalmatian girl. The second series uses the same colors except there's no black, one girl has a neon yellow jacket, and the strawberry girl has red (or dark pink?) shoes with tiny green bows. They're adorable dolls, but they're so boring theme-wise. Unless you like pastel, I guess. Then you'd love these. 

So the Cry Babies are frustrating, but VIP Pets are usually quite good at having a wide array of colors. Being that these Hair Academy dolls are part of the VIP Pets world, I expected the same. 

Nope. They went the Cry Babies route. 

The one on the right is one of the better ones. She at least knows red exists. I like her makeup and her hair colors are more unusual. You don't typically see pink, red, blonde and blue together. I like her hairstyle, too. The bangs flatter the big-eyed face. I hate the headband and braid earrings, but that's fixable. I'm also not really feeling overalls as a full garment, but I do prefer them to most of the others' outfits. I'd get this one. From what I remember, I think she's a deluxe version of one of the four girls. Probably the pinky one next to her, as they both have freckles and the same eye color. Neon girl has freckles, but I'm pretty sure her eyes are green, and the left two have blue eyes. 

Moving on to the pink one. Well, she's pink. Pink and mint green isn't a bad color combo. Certainly been done a lot before, but it's better than others. I don't hate her outfit, though I certainly don't love it either. An easy one to skip.

Then we've got the ambiguous tan girl in the middle. I actually really like her doll. The hair colors complement her nicely and I like her makeup. Definitely love her boots! They're awesome. But I absolutely cannot stand that outfit! It's the worst one of the five. I hope these fit other clothes because she needs saving. 

Neon girl is probably my fave. Not shocking. If I can't have goth, dark jewel tones, red, or orange, I'll take neon next. 80s kid. She's the only one whose earrings I like. I like the vinyl outfit. The pawprints on her and tan girl make me wonder if they're training to be groomers. Not that you'd wear anything like these outfits to groom. I love all her hair colors. Looks like dark pink, light pink, chartreuse and maybe blonde mixed with the chartreuse on the hidden pigtail? 

And then we have Mia, the girl in the listing. You can see pics of all she comes with on Youloveit and follow the link to the original listing. I'm not posting all the accessory pics. 

Oh, poor Mia. She not only has 80s bangs but they look lopsided. I'm also sick of the one black girl in the line so often getting the purple hair. Shana rocked that look in the 80s, but that doesn't mean it has to be the go to. Mia would have been cute in any of the color schemes the white girls have. I like her outfit okay. It's nice to see multiple fabrics, though I'm not a big fan of the fraying on the skirt. Her shoes are bland, and I would have given her pink instead of the neon girl or overalls girl. Neon could have had chartreuse and overalls red. I want to like her. Her skintone is gorgeous in the boxed pic. And she has brown eyes! But I just can't with those bangs. 

So yeah, those are the first series VIP Hair Academy. The four on the right should be the regular line and overalls is deluxe. I'm pretty sure I'm remembering that right. I think the dolls are really pretty and show promise, but I want to see way more diversity in future lines. 

PHOTO CREDITS: IMC Toys promos from 

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