Friday, July 17, 2020

NEWS: Rainbow High

So MGAE made a website for Rainbow High!

I'm not going to go over much from the actual Rainbow High dolls. We've seen a lot of that already. Second outfits are visible in the products section, which is cool. The little bios are cute, but I hope they fix poor Skylar's soon. Sunny is gearing up to be my favorite, and I think it's hilarious that Jade's talent is makeup when she barely wears any.

More exciting for me is news that the second series of Fantasy Friends is still happening! I loved what we saw from Toy Fair, so I was worried about their future, but they've been tied into the Rainbow High brand. And these designs are so amazing.

I clipped the checklist so we could go in order by character.

The line is divided up into Regular, Rare and Ultra Rare. The Regular dolls are the only ones that will be in every case of them. There are only two of these. The four Ultra Rares are typically split into two per case. I honestly can't remember how Fantasy Friends were divided, because I didn't blind buy many. I got most of them via Facebook.

First up, the FLORA section. These girls all feature plant names and flowers in their hair.

The doll's fantastic hair makes up for her completely boring outfit.

I love the design of this doll. She's either pink or purple-skinned. I'm not sure which. Love the hair, outfit and overall color scheme, but I HATE the name. Why name her after a sash? 

This one has a similar problem. Great design, but then they've got Lilo's sister's name combined with the most Hawaiian word that ever Hawaiianed. She's a hibiscus. Why not work with that? I appreciate that they're doing some cultural stuff, but there's no need for that level of hey, lookit this diversity!

Dorothy Petal.

Okay, sure, why not?

This pretty girl is one of the ultra rares, which aren't really that rare.

Her name bugs me because it should be Heidi Drangea.

Other than that, I love her.

Definitely my favorite of the Flora section! I love these colors!

This next group is called the Mysticals.

I adore this one. Another ultra rare. She's just gorgeous.

And so is she! Also ultra rare.

I love the pairing of pretty girls with bugs and snakes.

My favorite of the entire line. White hair AND red, black and white color scheme AND relatively short hair AND those details? Beyond favorite. 

The only repeat design. She's basically pink Mia Monarch. But she's still pretty and I still want her.

I would love to be more excited about this guy, but the blond hair annoys me. Why not make it brown or red or even shiny metallic gold? The scarabs would have blended into black, but any other of those colors would have been better than blond.

I may have to get some paints and give him golden hair. Or if I can find a nice metallic lapis lazuli...

At first glance, she seems really simple compared to others, but I love how all her details and colors come together.

And finally, the Down to Earths group.

This is Alexia Cacti. She is completely fabulous.

Basic but also super cute.

This guy is really cute. The boys are way better this series.

And the last ultra rare.

On one hand, I love this.

On the other hand, errrrrrrrr, she was black before. Really gorgeous deep brown skintone. So this is on the problematic side. I still want this doll, but not the best move, MGAE, especially after she was leaked so we all know.

So who's your fave?

PHOTO CREDITS: Clipped from the image on the website linked at the top of this post.


  1. Weird, I could've sworn there was one with shelf mushrooms in her hair in the NYTF leaks. Would've been cool, even if I recall wrong.

    I don't think kids will get the reference in Dahlia Noir, but it's literally the famous murder victim Black Dahlia. Pretty... mature, as far as references go. Someone might blow a fuse.

    Will most likely get some of these though, as I like so many of them. I could see myself going through the trouble of blindbags (which I hate, both as a mechanic and as a way to always bad luck into paintflaws) and rebodying (I never keep nonarticulated dolls like that for long) but sort of worried about the dry slime component inside, which is a really gross texture from what I've heard and I'm 90% sure allergic to it (some component found in most commercial slime makes me develop a nasty rash).

    1. Oh, yeah, I definitely got the Black Dahlia reference. I was holding off on commenting until I could see her outfit better. I swear there was another ToyFair leak photo that showed her, but I can't find it.

      The slime stuff is fairly easy to remove. I used to squirt water in their mouths with the provided bottle, but then I started just sticking their heads under running water and squeezing them to make them fill up. Give it a good shake and they spit the slime out. It takes 3 or 4 tries, but you can get most of it out.

      As for articulation, they are articulated. Just not to a fashion doll level, because they aren't fashion dolls. Not to be bitchy, but it's a little pet peeve of mine, so I have to stick up for the well-detailed, simpler dolls. And this line is definitely heavy on the detail. I'll always be design over movement. Stuff like this is way more interesting to me because of its creativity and uniqueness than a bendable wrist or ankle.

    2. I see, I had thought it easier to just decapitate the doll and get the slime out dry, I'd have thought it'd lessen the risk of getting it all over myself or having to get in full hazmat suit, though my allergy, tactile and scent hyperacuity, and general strongly-grossed-out-at-texture-keep-it-as-far-as-humanly-possible-from-me opinion of slime might have played a part in the thought process too lol.

      As for the articulation thing - no insult meant, and none taken, I get where you're coming from, your collection is for you and mine is for me - I just personally like finding good body-head combos across brands and making weird hybrids (I literally have boxes labeled "headless bodies" and "bodiless heads" in my drawers) and find limited articulation is just not for me. I think that out of these, I'll shoot for the magnolia girl first, as that looks like an easy skintone to find an articulated body for.

  2. Xavier Scarab gives me such strong Marik Ishtar (Yu-Gi-Oh!) vibes and I want him so bad haha <3
