Wednesday, July 15, 2020

NEWS: Hairdorables Hairmazing Prom Perfect

So I'm very happily freaking out!

Many, many thanks to PixWitch, who brought this set to my attention.

That may look like a listing for the 1st series Hairmazing, but the first option is this 2-pack! I wish it was out already.

I'm so thrilled to see my favorite character finally get the Hairmazing treatment and in a completely spectacular way!

These two are totally gorgeous.

Although now it does seem like a missed opportunity not to have all four boys in 2-packs with the girls...

With the backdrop.



That purse.

Those earrings.

I love every bit.

Eh, well, I guess it could have been a little less gold and a little more silver, but I'll take it! So not really complaining.

PHOTO CREDITS: Stock images from Amazon.


  1. ⭐I'm loving her zodiac train and her constellation makeup!⭐
