Monday, July 6, 2020

REVIEW: Cave Club Dino Baby Crystals Part 2

So I ordered four more Cave Club pets on Walmart and they came today.

I got doubles of every one I got the first time.

This darling sabretooth is my only new one.

On the plus side though, I now have confirmation (or at least a good chunk of evidence in favor of) that each pet has a specific crystal color they come in.

Mammoth: pink crystal, slime

Sloth: blue crystal, slime

Green triceratops: purple crystal, slime

Sabretooth: purple crystal, sand

If anyone gets any I don't have, please comment with the crystal color they come in!



  1. So cute!!! I got my dolls on Monday as well. Love your review on them. Now I can wait for next Friday to open them while eating some bday cake.
    Question: What's the scale of the pets to the dolls?

    1. I'll take some group pictures of everything when I get the deluxe sets, but the blind-packed pets are bigger than the basic doll pets.
