Thursday, January 25, 2024

REVIEW: Rainbow High Madison Twins

I wasn't planning on doing a review for these, as they've been out for ages, but then I decided, why not? Pretty sure I won't be doing too many more RH reviews, so let's just look at the pretties. 

I ordered this set when it was down to $23.99 on Amazon. I was mad they screwed Luna out of her outfit, so there was no way I'd pay full price, but for $23.99? Yep. 

The first set they sent had Luna missing about two rows of hair plugs right at her hairline, so there's this molded line behind her edges and then baldness behind it for a bit. I tried to do a replacement, but they wanted refund only, so I waited and bought a second set when I had more funds. I'll be returning the defective set for the higher $41 price I just paid for what turned out to be a nice set. 

Sunny's hair was the most gelled thing I have ever seen. I don't know why they thought that was a good idea for a toy for kids. I just don't get it. A little bit, sure, but it's like they dipped her pigtails in gel and let it solidify. I'm not thrilled with how it came out. Very fluffy. Might have to recondition her eventually. But at least the gel is gone. 

At least she comes with adorable earrings and all these cute barrettes. 

I rinsed the gel from her bangs, but not from the loops at the back. Though it probably wouldn't matter. They hang weird anyway. 

She's super cute though.

I don't even hate her shoes anymore. They suit her. 

What I do hate is that Sunny clearly got all the budget. Her outfit is ridiculously detailed with multiple materials and layers, yet they couldn't give Luna her actual outfit from the show. And all she would have needed was a friggin' bodysuit instead of a tee. Come on. 


I wouldn't have liked it if someone turned my plushie into a purse, but at least Sunny does. 

And it is very cute. 

Sunny gets earrings and five barrettes. 

Luna gets...only these. 


She is still stunning though. Obviously, she's the reason I bought the set. 


And excellent lunchbox purse. 

It's a great set overall, though not without disappointment because of the unbalanced favoritism. 

Sunny does look cute in this, though I definitely bought the set for Luna, who will be my final Shadow High review. RIP, SH. 


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