Monday, June 8, 2020

VVD's Master Want List

Okay, since this post is a wishlist, none of these pictures are mine. I've saved them from various sources over years of collecting. Some are from websites, some ebay, some fellow collectors. If I'm using one of your pics here and you want credit, please let me know in a comment and I'll add it, but I'm leaving these uncredited for now, because it would literally be impossible for me to source all of them.

So! I decided it's time to post a master wish list of basically all my main wants. This thing is going to be long and all over the place. I'm going to try to categorize some of the things, like starting with vintage for example. And there will be plenty I'm leaving out. Like someday I'd love to get back some of my rarer vintage MLPs and get MOC She-Ra upgrades, but I'm not including those.

That little yellow guy up there is possibly my most wanted toy right now. He's one of the ridiculously hard to find Castle Keeps Gargoyles line. I'm lucky enough to have several and also lucky enough that I got all mine before a bunch of idiots jacked up the prices. Yeah, I said it. These guys used to be rarer, but also WAY more affordable until a bunch of fools started paying several HUNDRED dollars apiece for them. Y'all crazy. And you ruin things for others by raising the prices. I have never once seen this yellow one for sale. It's quite possible he only exists in prototype form. Too little is known about this line to be sure.

This other gargoyle is the only other one I need for my collection. I've missed him a couple times due to insane pricing.

Charmin' Farm Friends! I actually have quite a few of these now. I have the pig in purple and pink, the cow in green, and the horse in white and pink. I'd love that purple horse here though. And I don't have a lamb at all.

I tend to get these in rough shape, so one of my someday projects is deflocking all of mine.

This line also has a set of standing characters called Barndazzlers. 

Here's the cow in white. I have her in aqua. I also have the pig in both purple and yellow. Always looking for different color variants of the ones I have. 

The lamb.

Yes, I know the shoes on these are crazy. That's why I love them.

And the horse.

I also collect the tiny PVC figures from this line. Basically, if you have any Charmin' Farm Friends available at decent prices, I might be interested.

I've had Jeanette and Eleanor for years, but recently, Brittany has appeared on ebay TWICE after YEARS of not being seen. And only available in overpriced sets of three. Because of course.

So yeah, I need a Brittany.

Happy Ness! I need Cool Ness, the blue one.

These are larger plush. The picture makes it a little hard to tell.

This is a Moodies pencil topper.

I like anything figural or plush from this line. I have all the regular plush that I know of, but a few months ago, I bought a Sexy Moodie and Extravagant Moodie plush from Asia that I'd never seen before, so more could be out there.

Another pencil topper.

I have the Sad Moodie one, but that's it.

Pretty Little Pups! I loved these in childhood. I got a lot of them because they were cheap.
I have the orange one, but she's not in the best condition, so I'd love an upgrade. 

So I need an upgrade of Bobo and then I need Snowball, too. 

This is the back of a box of Carousel Cuties by Tara Toy. They're little My Little Pony fakie-type animals. I collect the ones that aren't horses.

I have a yellow giraffe, purple tiger, and elephants in both yellow and blue. I'd love any different animals than those, but wouldn't mind more color variants of the types I have, too.

This is Booker from U.S. Acres. I'm a huge U.S. Acres fan. It's a comic strip done by Jim Davis, mainly known for Garfield, and it's set on a farm. If you ever watched the old Garfield cartoon, you've seen the U.S. Acres gang.

Well, they got plush at one point in time and of course they're not easy to find. I have Orson the pig, Roy the rooster, and Sheldon the...egg. Yeah, he's an egg with feet because he decided he didn't want to fully hatch. Booker is the only one that I know of that definitely exists that I still need, although there definitely could be more characters in existence. Wade the duck I know was made into a prototype and I've seen Cody the dog as a hand puppet. There are also some odd versions of the existing characters that just don't look quite right. But anyway, this Booker here is the one I want.

Ah, the Yum Yums Party line. The first line of Yum Yums are pretty reasonable, but the Party line? Nope. WAY harder to find.

I've wanted Marshmallow Bunny for so damn long.

And Cotton Candy Poodle. I regret not getting this one ages ago when he was much easier to find, but this particular one in the photo is so cute that I was holding out for one as cute and never found one. Should have settled!

Gina from Dennis the Menace.

I love Gina.

Lanard made a little line of soft dolls using the Jelly Bean name, which was originally for some knockoff SSC dolls. I love these though. They're adorable.

I need this grape one (Greta Grape) and the pink (Mary Cherry). I have the yellow, green, blue and red characters.

Spectra from the Goddess of Wonder line. 

I regret not getting this mystery Snow White doll on ebay years ago. I think she is stunning.

The only info I have on her is that she was listed as 1992 Corolle, but I've never been able to find another single thing or another similar doll.

So let's step away from vintage and move into some more well-known doll lines. These are all more recent, though not necessarily easy to find.

I think a lot of people know about Catwalk Kitties now that Asian sellers keep putting their heads up for sale!

I have all of them except I never got this version of Anika.

The Playmates Disney Fairies line had a couple harder to find sets.

This one has Fira.

And this one has Iris.

Precious Powers were like Bratz Babyz meets Harry Potter meets Winx Club. They're little poseable dolls with rooted hair and fabric clothes that are witches who attend a school. I have a handful of them and I've always liked them.

I'm not sure if any of these sets got made. I think I found them on one of the designers pages.

This masquerade line would have been adorable.


MGAE's Sugar Planet line isn't very hard to find, but certain characters are a bit of a mystery.

These girls seem to have been released but in very limited locations and quantities. I have both Frolique and Nebula now, so Hailee must be out there somewhere.

Slushee is another one who really seems like she should exist. She should have been in the same set as Cosma and Pyxis.

Seaberry Delight from Playmates SSC line.

Some Italian Winx Club dolls by Giochi Preziosi.

I have mostly all of the main cast that I want, but I'd love to upgrade my mermaid collection.

I have all of them, but not fresh out of the box perfect.





And I'd love this version of Stella, too.

To finish off this giant wishlist, I have two plush things.

I used to own this little black devil. He was sold for Valentine's Day at Fay's drugstore. I'd love to have him back one day!

And the Lulabellez! These fairy dolls seem to have been sold in Australia. I am forever kicking myself because I didn't get any off ebay. They were not cheap to import and I could never choose between the blue and green ones (with the yellow also screaming for attention), so I never got any. REGRET. Such regret.

So that wraps things up. There are things I didn't include, but these are definitely the highlights.


  1. I remember the Ness figures. I bought a pink one at a dollar store when I was young. At the time I thought she would work well with my Lady Lovelylocks collection.
    Signed, Treesa
