Monday, June 8, 2020


Marshmallow here was technically an April arrival, but I'd already done the post for April at that point, so here he is.

I remember having him pre-ordered and cancelling him back when he came out. He's appeared several times on my radar since then, but only more recently did I decide to officially move him to my low-key want list.

With CBs, I always have a list in my brain. There are my pre-orders, which I know I'll be getting. Then there are my main wants, which are ones I more actively keep an eye out for. Then there are my low-key wants, which are ones I like, but don't really want to import or pay too much for, though I will jump on a deal from an American seller.

So Marshmallow ended up there and a fellow collector put me in touch with a garden store that has older CBs. It was a slight bit of pulling teeth when it came to the transaction, including getting no pictures of their multiple bears to choose from and them skipping me over to deal with a girl who asked for the bear several days AFTER I did. Thankfully, everything fell into place, because they picked out one bear for her, sent her pics, then another for me and sent me pics, and we just happened to really like the ones they'd picked out for us. (Hers is kinda mouse-like and feminine. Mine is definitely not.) He shipped very quickly and surprised me upon arrival, because I had no tracking number and hadn't expected him so early. He sits nicely on my shelf with Susan, Artemis and Who Meee.

Then there's poor Blackbeary. He's been lodged on my low-key wishlist for years. He's a plumo, so the short purple fur on his muzzle and inside his ears is mohair. I actually like a full mohair bear that uses this same material, but I'll probably never get him.

Blackbeary went through moderate-level bear hell. It took him TWELVE days to reach me. He was shipped quickly, last tracked four days after that, and then vanished into the system. I was so grateful when he finally appeared out for delivery.

This little cutie popped up in my daily ebay ragdoll search, which I keep because I'm forever on the hunt for Lulabellez. I should do a wishlist post. I don't know if I ever have here.

Anyway. She wasn't listed as Cheetah Girls, but I could see it on her foot. I thought she was darling. Reminiscent of an older line of Disney Princess ragdolls I love with a dash of vintage Bratz flavor thrown in.

The only annoying thing about her is that there's no information about these! I can't even find pictures of the others, except for one who's a bit overpriced on ebay. I don't know much about Cheetah Girls, but I do know there were 4 and then 3, so I'm not sure if there are 2 more dolls or 3 more dolls to look for.

Ah, Christian. When the catalog released, there were two larger bears that jumped out at me. One was Lachlan, who seems to be the more popular of the two, but the second I noticed Christian's burgundy details, I wanted him. So he got pre-ordered. he was pricey though, so I knew I'd have to be extra picky. And I was, but this one I just fell for, so he came home.

He's my second largest bear with only enormous Bertha being bigger, but I managed to squeeze him on a bottom shelf with Bryce, who's only a couple inches shorter. Bertha could never fit on a shelf!

Diane was a completely unplanned purchase. She was never on my want list. When I saw her on QVC, I was slightly tempted, but then quickly resisted. I saw how sad a lot of people's looked when they posted pics and decided I was glad I didn't blindly order one.

Then I was perusing my stockist's Dropbox albums when looking up if she had something available to order. I think I wanted the info for one of my posts here. And there was this Diane. I completely fell for that unusual face. She's got wider-set eyes than others and I just love her gentle look. I always did her design, because it's similar to Muffin and Bakewell and she's soft, too. Definitely one of my favorite pink bears.

König was not on my original pre-order list, but when I redid it not long after submitting the first version, a few small bears came off and he went on. I was 5th in line to pick, so when one particular König jumped out at me, I decided not to get attached because he was too perfect. I actually got attached to a different one that I didn't think anyone would pick. Almost all of his black face striping was only on one side, but I liked his expression a lot. So time went by and it was finally my turn to pick. And I think you can guess what happened. The second one with the stripes on one side got picked...yet my first choice...was still there and this is him. I am still completely shocked that no one chose him. His face is so nicely balanced! If you'd seen all the different ones, you'd know what I mean, but really, his only odd feature is that one thicker black stripe under his left eye. I generally prefer more unique animals when it comes to my non-bear CBs. Unusual species like Rea the binturong or unusual colors like Dandy and Clock (white and silver lions respectively). So König is a bit of an odd choice for me because he's just a tiger, but he's also one hell of a perfect tiger! And yes, I'm spelling his name correctly. They chose to leave the umlaut off (and then pronounce it wrong), but König is properly spelled with the umlaut. That's the word that means king.

I have been low-key after more Dwarfelles since 2013, which is when I got my Snow White doll and then Marina and Critterina (the pair on the right). But finally, Moonbeam is home! And she brought Thunderella (on the left) with her. Moonbeam was the only other one of the seven I really wanted, so I dunno if I'll ever get the other 3. I'm happy with these.

I don't even know how many Bananas I bought trying to get this little ghost. This is Gregory Ghost from Bunch 3. I ended up buying an entire CASE on ebay for only $20 plus shipping. So now I have 3 Gregorys and almost the entire set of Bunch 3, including the ultra rare.

I have loads of doubles, so if anyone wants any, let me know. I will eventually be shipping out my packages of them. I need to have a day where I get all this stuff together that I need to ship to friends, but I am so tired all the time. This is the first week I've had almost since this mess began where I haven't worked either close to 40 hours or well past 40 hours. Yet I'm still tired, because I haven't slept well since the middle of last week and I'm dealing with allergy attacks. Yay.

So that wraps up May. I think I'm going to go work on that wishlist post I mentioned above.

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