Tuesday, November 16, 2021

REVIEW: Royal Enchantimals Queen Paradise & Rainbow

Finally got the last of the royal queens! I had actually ordered this lady from the same Dutch seller I got the first two from. However, they didn't actually have her in stock. After asking about it, I was told they'd get her in on November 10th. I was fine with that...but Amazon wasn't. When she wasn't shipped after a month, Amazon cancelled the order. I decided to wait and import her after I got back from vacation, but then Amazon surprised me by getting her in stock. I'm not sure if the other two queens came in for sale directly from Amazon, but she did. 

Unfortunately, my first one had three sizeable paint rubs to her lips, so I ordered two more and they arrived today. These two were both good, so one of them will be on her way back to Amazon along with the damaged one. 

Cute art. 

Like the other queens, she's awesome. I wish they'd experimented with this size earlier so we got more animals done this way. 

She did have glitter on her "beak" but I rubbed it off. This doll had the best eye makeup but her nose glitter had a large space where it was missing, so I just scratched all the rest off. She doesn't need a glittery nose. Silly concept anyway.

Here's Rainbow.

Daviana, Unity and Paradise together. 

None of them have great hair, but Unity and Paradise have better quality than Daviana. 

I really do like these. I wish they'd done a black or gray character. Doesn't really fit with the royal theme, I guess. Too bad. 



  1. Gray would have been lovely, but probably not for the target demographic.

    Based on the spotty distribution of the latest line (Amazon UK has everything Royal "Temporarily Out of Stock" right now) I thought Enchantimals was over, but I've seen a few new images of the core girls with vehicles, which seems to suggest at least a few more goes before Mattel packs this one in?

    1. They had the guts to do several gray characters in the regular line, so I feel they could have pulled it off well here, too.

      I think there's an ocean line after the regular Royals so we'll see if that ever appears. We still haven't had all the newer items in the US.
