Thursday, June 10, 2021

REVIEW: Barbie Looks Model #3

I'm so happy my Looks doll came! I know these sold out every time they came available to pre-order. Then my genius Prime delivery person decided to put it in our package hub and select "former resident" so I had to go to the complex office and have them rescue my package. Why is former resident even a choice on the hub menu? That's just stupid. 

Anyway, this line runs $19.99 each and they're pretty amazing. 

The Looks line reminds me of a seriously amped up Basics line. The outfits are simple, but the line has massive levels of diversity combined with a super poseable body. 

I saw comments recently trying to provoke the old Mattel vs. MGAE war, which I HATE, and I promptly replied with a picture of this line. 

Every character has a different skintone. There are not one but two male dolls. Different hair lengths. Different hair textures. Different body types. 

Did I mention the massive level of poseability for those obsessed with such things? 

The fashions are basic but in a classic way and it's easy enough to redress. Not everything has to be overloaded with logos and oversized jewelry. *cough*MGAE*cough*

The doll comes with a stand and a Black Label certificate of authenticity. 

Fresh from the box. 


Simple shoes. 

I like that her outfit is mostly black with the hint of white mesh. 

There's the white on the back. 

Her hair was pretty gelled, but not awfully so. 

It's flocked on both sides and the back. And guess what! They didn't stick those stupid plastic tabs into her head to tie it down! So there are no holes in her very visible scalp. FABULOUS.

Quick pic of the super poseable body. 

I combed out some of the gel in her hair, then ran a wet comb through it to flatten it back down. 

She's fantastic. I love her. I always love Asian dolls and short hair to boot? Well, it's honestly almost my hairstyle even. Heh. I've got more of an angle on the floopy part though. 

Stunning. I'm so happy I was able to get a pre-order! I might get some of the others eventually, but for now, I'm sticking with just her. 

Definitely looking forward to what they'll do in the future. 


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