Tuesday, February 9, 2021

REVIEW: Azone Iris Collect Petit Suzune Noraneko Drops V.1.1

I honestly never thought I'd have another big Azone doll! Yet here we are. As soon as I saw Suzune V.1.1 on The Dolly Insider, I knew I wanted her. I considered it for a few hours, then emailed the dealer I'd gotten my Koharu from. Not long after, I was starting to pay for Suzune's layaway. 

She arrived at the shop at the end of January and I was able to pay my remaining installments and get her home. She arrived yesterday. 

Please ignore the boxes and stuff in the background. Someday I swear I'll get my toy room fully set up and have better space for reviews.

Although, she is huge, so that doesn't help!


Goody bags. 

Here she is! So cute.

This is the majority of her outfit. 

Top, skirt, panties, stockings (they're each different), collar and boots. 

I was worried the stockings would be a struggle, but they're really not hard to get on.

If you move her a around a lot, you do have to adjust the leather garters though. As to be expected. 

Her skirt was a little difficult to get on. You have to undo a snap on the back and loosen the belt, too. Not a huge deal, but not as simple as just sliding it on. 

The collar. I wish it wasn't a heart. I think a different charm would have been cuter. 

Boots. Love them. 


Suzune's wig is unlike anything I've ever had before, because her pigtails...aren't attached to it! They're actually on clips so you can have them clipped on the wig for a long-haired look or you can remove them for a short-haired look! It's really cool. 

I didn't take a photo, but there are basically claw hair clips inside the pigtails and you clamp them onto the short wig wherever you like. 

If she's dressed like this, I do prefer the pigtails. They're definitely cute and add to her sass.

Short hair. 

And again. 

This piece was what really sold me on her. I have a cat-eared Emily the Strange winter coat that I got way back in 2007. I love it. It's not as cool as this. I love the straps and buckles here. I'm glad mine doesn't have a tail though! That's something cute on dolls, but less so in real life. 

So if she's gonna rock the coat, I think the short wig is the way to go. 

The coat has functional pockets.

Oh, yeah, there we go. 

I love the ear piercings in the cat ear. 

That's just awesome. 

You can see why you don't want the giant pigtails for when the hood is up. 

And now for random photos. 


I love her. 

And that's that. I've actually been considering selling my Koharu recently, but now I'm not so sure. Suzune does fit in with my smaller Azones a lot better, but a collection certainly doesn't have to be perfectly cohesive. 

I think I'm going to dip my toes back into Azone world once I'm more caught up with other stuff!



  1. I ordered the first version of her and her wig is the only variation that I can see between the two. LOVE her so much! Congrats!

    1. I think that is the only difference. It was her selling point for me. I love that I can make her short-haired.
