Monday, February 22, 2021

NEWS: Bright Fairy Friends

So Bright Fairy Friends did well enough to get a second series! I saw them in Target tonight and they'd already sold so well that only two were left. I bought one and that review will be my next post, but I wanted to share the promos of the new series first. 

I saved these promo pics from the official website. There will be 2 for each character. The first one is a nicely-cleaned up photo like this one here on the left. The second is what I think the doll will actually look more like. 

So this is Bella. Bella is cheerful and likes cheerleading. 

Cute but not one on my want list. 

This is Carrie. She's understanding and compassionate, and fills in for the queen if the queen has to leave. 

Not quite as bright as the fancy photo, but still nice. I'd like her. 

This is Cherry, who is patient and enjoys teaching. 

I adore the light brown hair. She's lovely and I need her. 

This is Daphne, who definitely looks a lot like Bella. She's an event planner. 

Like Bella, she's pretty, but unless I open her blind, I'll pass.

Clever Mary is a scientist. She and Nina (Series 1) like to do experiments and teacher Cherry helps out. So of course I need Mary to go with the other two. 

Not quite as vibrant, but I still love her. 

Pearl is confident and she's into trend-setting. 

Gah, that's so dull, but the doll is pretty. 

Yeah, I want her. It's the skirt and the multiple colors in her hair that sell her.

Oh, hi, predictable favorite. 

This is Penelope whose observation skills make her a winner at game night. She's a strategist. I like that. 


Still pretty even though her head looks a different color than her body. Ah, well.

I saw a "story" or whatever on Instagram where someone had one of these dolls. She pulled out the checklist a showed it for like two seconds on each side. If you've GOT to do video instead of still photography, PLEASE do not rush through the checklist! It's all a lot of us want to see. Seriously. 

Anyway, this is Phoebe and her art was the one thing that caught my eye during the four seconds of checklist I got to see. 

Resourceful Phoebe loves group projects. Just don't let them make you do all the work, Phoebs. 

I want her. She's awesome. 

Priscilla is a humble artist. 

She reminds me of Hairdorables Willow. In a good way. I don't think I'd seek her out, but I wouldn't mind opening her either.

Speaking of Hairdorables, Susie looks a little bit like Noah. Again, not in a bad way. 

Susie is practical and loves to read mysteries. 

Lovely. Want her. 

Tessa is honest and sought-after for her advice. She also loves to write short stories. 

That actually makes it pretty perfect that she was the one I got first! 

Her review will be the next post. 

Last but not least is super ghostly Whitney. I love this look. Not complaining one bit. But she's definitely unusual!

Whitney is a DIY artist who loves giving her work to her friends. 

Yeah, I need her, too. 

This time around I definitely want more than I did before! 8 solid wants on the list. I would have wanted Tessa, too, so that makes 9 out of 12 I consider wanted, leaving only 3 as "cute but not one I'll look for." 

We're not done though. 


I am not instantly sold on the inevitable pet line, but I can honestly say these have got some of the cutest designs and best colors I have seen in a long, long time. I really hope they make it out for sale. (There were also doll outfits on the official website, too, but I didn't save those pics.)

So this is Becca Bear. 

Belle Bluebird. 

The birds have some of my fave designs here.

Briana Bunny.

Chloe Cat.

Darcy Deer. 

Fiona Fox.

Holly Hedgehog. 

Missy Mouse.

Her picture and Becca Bear's were swapped on the website, but this is clearly a mouse and Becca is clearly a bear. 

Olivia Owl.

Rocky Raccoon.

Sadie Squirrel.

And Skye Sparrow. OMG ADORABLE. 

I NEED these to exist. 

PHOTO CREDITS: Promo images saved from the official website.

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