Saturday, August 20, 2016


A little late this time! Oh, well. I had a busy day.

#12: Does Size Matter?

1. Do you have a favorite doll size or body type? (e.g. American Girl, SD, SD13, MSD, Barbie, Blythe, Pullip, Licca) What do you like about it?

Nope! I'm a firm believer in variety, so I have dolls in all sizes with many body types. I don't have a particular favorite.

2. Do you prefer your dolls to be roughly the same size and body shape, or do you prefer different heights, shapes, etc? Why or why not?

Different. We just covered that. I have so much stuff that I like variety. I don't like to drop money on the same thing over and over.

3. For those with male and female dolls: Do you prefer your guys to be taller than your ladies, or does it not matter?
-For those with male dolls only: Do you like your dolls to be the same height, or would you like to give them variety (e.g. Volks FCS long-leg parts, etc.)
-For those with female dolls only: Do you have a lot of variety in your doll's body types, or do you find that you tend to gravitate towards one particular type?

Height doesn't matter. It doesn't matter in real life, so why should it with dolls?

4. Do you find it easier to shop for/sew for any particular doll more than others?

This is sadly outdated. Heh. I did so much more clothes-buying many years ago. I rarely do it now, but I think it's easier than ever. It takes a very specific, usually import, body to be hard to shop for. Like my Jossie doll still has no shoes because I don't have $20 to spend on importing doll shoes.

5. Is there such a thing as a doll that's *too* big or *too* small?


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