Sunday, November 12, 2023

Dolly Insider's "Friday Dolly Questions" Part 8

#43: How did you get into collecting dolls?

I loved them when I was little. I had Barbie, Jem, Rainbow Brite, Strawberry Shortcake, Rose Petal, She-Ra, Dream Gazer from Moondreamers, Whisper from the Star Fairies. You know, a pretty standard assortment for a girl growing up in the 80s. The last doll I consider a childhood buy was the 1992 Princess Jasmine by Mattel. After that, I got more into comics and action figures, then switched to My Little Pony. I did a brief dip back into dolls when I learned there were Sailor Moon dolls in the US. I remember finding Sailor Moon and Venus at Toys R Us, and then my mom located Jupiter, Mars and Mercury at Hills. Gah, I miss Hills. Once I had access to computers when I was in undergrad, I got into vintage collecting and Jem was one of the first things I started with. Then I don't remember why exactly I was looking at toys at the time, but in 1999 0r 2000, I stumbled across the Barbie Generation Girl Dance Party line and became instantly smitten with Lara. She was my first adult collection purchase. From there, I bought more Generation Girls, then got into Bratz, Lollipop Girls, My Scene, Pullip, Winx, etc. I was not only buying vintage stuff from childhood, but also modern playline and collector pieces, and that's when I was truly a doll collector.

#44: Do you buy doll clothes, make doll clothes or both?

HA. I cannot sew. Like maybe I could sew a button on. That's it. I used to have a ton of fun buying outfits for my Pullips, Winx and Bratz back when I was doing picfics eons ago, but in more recent years, I've mostly stuck with what the doll comes in or I've delved into my existing collection of clothing. The exception is the Disney ILY outfits, because they're fabulous. 

#45: What 5 dolls would you like to add to your collection?

I'm going to stick with things that are current, not go all grail BJD. I feel like I answered that not long ago anyway. 

I really want the upcoming Pixlings, so I'll name them #1 and #2. 

I'll go to VIP Hair Academy next. #3 is Chloe. #4 is Lexie. 

And I can't wait for G3 Venus, so I'll choose her as my #5. 

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