Sunday, May 22, 2022

NEWS: Glo-Up Girls


So I think today's big news is that MGAE completely bombed their oh so fabulous RH/SH event by not having enough product for people, not trying to police how many were sold, and screwing over the people that paid ridiculous prices for premium tickets by not ensuring they got access to purchase items. I already didn't like this elitist event so I'm not at all shocked they failed. Good job, MGAE. 

What actually excites me more is this picture of Glo-Up Girls Series 2! My friend told me it was in the May issue of Toys n Playthings (link at the bottom). 

Now we saw a crappy quality pic of some sketches but these don't resemble them at all. I'm hopeful there will still be new characters based on that art because there were some interesting-looking girls there. I think a couple had blue hair. But these six appear to just be new looks for the existing dolls. Let's look at them one by one. 

Alex, of course, is my favorite. Fave in Series 1, fave again in Series 2.

 I can't tell if her hair is a dark brown or a black-brown, though my guess is the latter. The blue streaks and cute buns work. 

I don't hate this outfit. I'll likely remove the earrings and definitely ditch the sunglasses. The jacket we'll see, though I do like the color. But the rest is pretty cute. 

ADORABLE hair on Sadie here.

I like the skirt a lot, but the rest is meh. The boots are okay but also pretty clunky. 

Really not sure I'd buy her just for this hair but my first Sadie has messed up eyes so it's a maybe. 

Okay, Kenzie I may buy for the hair because she was one of two I skipped from Series 1. Love this hair. 

I'm not sure what is going on here. Kenzie has the weirdest outfits. The first one was a horrible mess so this one is a bit better but still odd. The shirt seems to be a tank top with one long sleeve. I have no idea if the Muppet fur piece is a stole or weird cropped jacket. The skirt I really like but the silver plastic piece is bizarre. I want to like the boots because I love giant strappy boots but something isn't quite working for me. 

I like her a lot better than Series 1 and I will buy this one. I just question her outfit designer. 

Augh, come on, Tiffany. 

I honestly really love that dress and those shoes. The top can go but it's not horrible. 

But I'm bored by the doll. ARGH. 

I could see myself ending up with her anyway. I might get this whole line. 

Now that is a Glo-Up. Rose was one I gladly skipped from Series 1. Except for her PJs, she was totally boring. But!

I love the darker red hair with the Rogue-esque blonde streaks. Yeah, Rogue has white but it still reminds me of her. 

I actually really like this bizarre retro-ish outfit. Love the odd colors. Love the blouse and ugly plaid. Love the socks under giant platforms. The only piece I'm not sold on is the scarf/vest/thing. 

Rose is amazingly tied with Alex for favorite. If you plunked both in front of me right now, I'd probably choose Rose. 

And finally, Erin. Erin was my first favorite because it would be months before Alex came out. 

I like her newly-pink hair. It was brown and yellow before. 

Love the top, but the shorts are weird. Why is part of one knee cut out with chains across it? That's such an odd choice. 

Don't hate the boots but they are giant hunks of pink plastic with no painted detail and that's a bit painful. 

So yeah, here's Series 2. According to TnP, this line is called Glo All Out and there will also be a streaming studio playset with an exclusive doll. 


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