Tuesday, January 31, 2023


Well, I planned on making this only January and then I realized I'd missed a few arrivals from November and December. 

This whole post is Charlie Bears, so if they don't interest you, everything else I got was reviewed already. 

I didn't plan on getting the Birthday Bear for this year. The look of the bear is always a secret. I got the one for 2016, but never got another blind-bought since. (I had the one for 2018 after I knew what she looked like, but I've since sold her.) I dunno why I got the whim this year, but I did, and the bear is a mini version of popular Tyber plush Black Forest Gateaux. He's adorable. 

Cherish is a rarity: a mohair whim purchase. I loved this design and when Valerie had some available, I ordered one, along with Carenza and Trifle. He's a completely different style to the few mohairs I own, and I love the brown and purple color combo. 

Sweet-faced Carenza was another whim. I wasn't interested in her initially, but after seeing some of Valerie's, I saw a couple I liked. This is the face that won out. 

Trifle is a bear I liked the design of but didn't pre-order. I asked to be added to Valerie's list but had to wait for others to pick first. I wanted this one in particular and while she does have some defects, she's perfect to me. I'm not as picky as other collectors, so bears like this are made for me. When she arrived, I totally fell for her. She's incredibly cuddly and even got to join my vacation crew this year. 

The above were all late November arrivals. Magda here I bought from Valerie's post-Black Friday sale, but she didn't ship her until I came back from vacation, so she arrived in mid-December. 

Magda is one I've had my eye on for months and the sale was the perfect opportunity to finally buy her. She's a soft, biscuity color and surprisingly cuddly. 

Galileo is a design I really liked but didn't pre-order. I knew I'd need just the right face if I did decide I wanted him. I saw this guy on ebay and he was on sale, so I bought him. 

I don't have a lot of gigglers, the bears with the open mouths, so he's a nice addition to that small group. He's also absolutely darling and so soft! 

Oh, Paul! I love Christine Pike's few bear designs, all of which were done in the early years. I've wanted him for years and got him for an absolute steal price of $25 because he's missing his tags. 

He's SO CUTE. What a chonk. 

Beautiful Chester is a tree kangaroo, an animal I've been hoping Bearhouse would do for ages. He's even Tyber partially! He's my favorite Bearhouse this year so far and he's gotten lots of cuddles since his arrival in late December. 

These final three are my January buys.

Little Pander was a QVC purchase. I liked him because he reminds me of Phantom, an enormous 26" older bear that I wanted but could never justify at that size. 

Garibaldi was one of my preorders. He arrived yesterday. He's a lovely patchwork bear that goes nicely with his sister, Battenburg. I'm so happy I got my first choice. I love the face on this one. 

Newton was another unplanned guy. When I first saw owner pics, I wasn't interested, but then a couple people had cute ones. I've been watching the preorder albums like a hawk, waiting for more of mine to appear, so I kept seeing him there and ended up picking out which one I'd adopt if I got him. When Garibaldi was the only one of my four preorders to be photographed in the most recent batch, Newton ended up hitching a ride here with him and I have zero regrets. He's right up there with Kirsteen and Trifle in my unexpected loves of 2022 category. He's big and chunky, but not overly huge. His poofy fur makes him a great cuddler. Hes just all around a fantastic bear and I think he's pretty underrated. People tend to overlook him in favor of Einstein and Galileo (get the name grouping?) because he's not a giggler and they are.  

All right, that catches us up. Welcome to 2023.

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