Wednesday, July 29, 2020

REVIEW: Rainbow High Sunny Madison


Ugh, horrible dark photo. Eh, you've seen boxed pics of these anyway.

I've been able to order all my Rainbow High from Target and Amazon. They're finally all coming! Man, my Target sucks. 

I'm glad Sunny got here first. She's my favorite. So far. That may change upon seeing them all in person. 

She was not fun to debox. Think back to the old Bratz days. You better get ready for some cuts on your hands. 

The quality of the stand is all right. It's not the most stable thing. 

I love the hangers though. Especially the working pants/skirt hanger!

It actually holds her pants. Ah, love it. 

So yeah, the long box had the outfit. Jacket, pants, bustier.

The smaller box had her shoes, which are gorgeous. I thought these were boring until I saw the stars all over the back. 

Though I do still think they could have put a star or two on the plain clear toe strap.

Those pictures were all I took last night, because these dolls have some serious gel issues. Sunny had bits sticking out sideways and her bangs were terrible.

A bit of salon treatment and she's ready to go, though still not perfect. Her bangs are a smidge uneven and she has one shorter lock sticking out from her two long curled pieces. (I left those gelled.) I'm thinking that shorter piece was meant to be trimmed into her bangs, but eh, I kinda like it. It's random.  

Her hair is this beautiful warm butter yellow. And once you get the gel out, it's so silky soft! 

Her earrings are my favorite fashion piece that she comes with. I just love them. Why? Well, mostly because of their shape, but also because they're actually YELLOW. 

Sunny, while representing yellow, is honestly mostly gold and yellows so light that I'd sooner call them off-white or cream. 

Her dress is cute in theory, but in actuality, mine is cut really poorly. The top part is a mess. Completely uneven horrible mess. 

The rainbow socks are cute and so are the platform sneakers, but they look better with this dress than her second outfit, so it was into the storage box for them. 

She's super photogenic. Like she even looks good in my utterly basic photos.

They are cute though. And I like that the socks cover up the knee joints. While that type of joint is nice for poseability, it's not the most attractive thing ever. 

The body itself is very sturdy and honestly, feels more high quality than the bodies of some $100+ dolls I own. 

Bustier with her main jacket.

The back of said jacket, which is my second favorite fashion thing about her, after the earrings. 

I adore that design. 

Better look at the bustier. 

Her hands do come off for easier outfit changing. I was just lazy and didn't want to take them off again. 

These effin' pants. These things are one of the tightest pieces of doll clothing I've ever seen. Like seriously, do not make your doll pants so tight that they can't even be closed! I had to struggle to make them velcro. 

With the heels on. I always like heels with casual pants. I dunno why. I feel like I have Jem to blame in there somewhere.

Again, love the detail. 

And then I realized I never put her in the matching jacket. 


This thing is pretty dull. It might look cute with a black skirt or something that doesn't match it. 

You know, she reminds me of the Stingers redesigns for the Jem comic. Like a Raya/Minx combo.


I could barely get them to close that well. 

Another point in favor of her wearing her stock outfit jacket. It's longer.

And finally, here she is on her stand! 

Overall, you are getting a lot for your $27 with these. Consider that LOL OMGs are the same price. With these dolls, you get inset eyes with lashes, a much higher quality body with better poseability, TWO outfits with TWO pairs of shoes, much better accessories. They're just better in every way pretty much. Except they could have some much darker skintones, but hopefully they will in time. And LOL OMG could also go darker than they have, too. You have to do some fixer upper work on their hair and not every piece is perfect, but eh, they're still great. I look forward to seeing the others! Ruby should be here later tonight.



  1. Love her! Great review as always. Those pants are not going to be good when you try to sit her, eh? They look like they'll pop open and slip down a bit. At least the longer jacket will cover it.

    I agree. I was hoping for more darker skin tones.

    1. Thanks!

      She is not sitting down ever. Neither is Ruby unless I put her in the skirt. I've got most of her photos ready to review, but I'm waiting for an after-salon shot that I'll take tomorrow when her hair is dry. The gel in this line. Ugh.

  2. She's so cute! How did you manage to get the gel out of her hair? I've never found a method that actually worked for me.

    1. Oh, that's easy. I have like zero hair skills and even I can do it, so I'm sure you can. I just rinse the hair under running warm/hot water until the gel comes out. You can feel the stiffness going away. I actually left a tiny bit in her bangs to keep them in place once dry. After I rinse it out, I give her a quick shampoo, dry the hair with a towel, and then let her air dry the rest of the way. Just be careful the water does touch anything you want to keep the gel in, like Sunny's long front curls.
