Thursday, July 30, 2020

REVIEW: Rainbow High Ruby Anderson

Ruby arrived last night. Our UPS deliveries are pretty late. But I was able to get most of the review done, then she hit the salon. I didn't want to post a review without an after-salon photo though, so I waited until this morning when her hair was dry. 

Ruby's style is odd to me. It's casual with a bit of sporty, but then you've got a lot of very revealing pieces, too. Unfortunately, my favorite pieces don't match up that well together, so I'm not satisfied with how I'm leaving her dressed, but oh, well. 

Hey, this time I put the stand together correctly and it's more stable. Go, me. 

Here's the second outfit. That tube top is my favorite of her pieces, but it is way problematic, as you will see.

And her stock all broken down. So glad that red vinyl top isn't permastuck to that boring tee.

The flannel shirt is not actually a shirt. That would have been a nice touch if it was. 

Here she is in her stock. I'm not sure if anyone in the real world would wear a red vinyl bustier over a t-shirt. Do you know how clingy vinyl is? Very. Speaking as someone who used to wear it a lot, there is no way this is practical. It might not even be possible. T-shirts are so much lumpier in real life that wearing a tight piece over them...just no. And Ruby may be into fire, but this would be a hot look and we're talking sweating your butt off level hot. 

I do think this looks cute without the bustier, which I managed to not take a picture of. That's a more practical casual outfit. 

Ruby's hat is held on with a post that goes into a hole in her head. 

This is really weird-looking without the hat on, but thankfully once you wash the gel out of her hair, her hair covers it up.

Just the t-shirt. 

And just the red vinyl. These pieces work nicely together, but don't quite fit the style I had in mind for her.

The heels are rather boring, too. They're okay, but they're not really interesting.  

Of course it's hard to look interesting when the other pair of footwear is boots with flames molded on them. 

I adore this tube top, but once again, we're seeing the issue of MGAE wanted clothes so tight that they forgot they need to...oh, I dunno...STAY FASTENED. 

This is close to the final look I chose for her. I like the tube top with the pants, because they ride lower. The skirt sits too high in my opinion. These pants are also super tight like Sunny's but not quite as tight. Still not fun getting them over her heels though. 

Love the Pride flag jacket. Yeah, I don't care what anyone says. PRIDE. 

And this is her final look post-salon. Her hair is amazing once it's free of that stupid gel. 

Ruby is a mix of pros and cons for me. 

I like that the hat stays on so well, but the red gaping hole in her head is kinda weird, so it's lucky it's covered up by her hair. 

I wish she had earring holes. Just because she doesn't come with them doesn't mean she shouldn't be able to wear them. 

I love the tube top, but it needed to be able to stay closed better.

The pants could have been a bit looser, too. 

Her pieces mix oddly together. I would love that jacket and tube top with a black skirt. The boots kind of need a skirt, because they look odd with the pants, but I prefer the tube top with the pants. And the strip that holds her skirt in place also broke, so yeah. It would be nice if they added some black staples in fashion packs. 

As for flaws in the doll herself, her right hand doesn't stay on very well, which is why it's hooked in her belt loop. 

I still love these girls and think they're definitely worth the price, but there are improvements that need to be made.


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