Wednesday, July 29, 2020

REVIEW: Bright Fairy Friends

I got my five Bright Fairy Friends yesterday! I was all set to do a review, but then our internet went out due to a storm earlier in the evening. There was no way I was going to type all this up on my phone, so here I am, doing it today.

Anyway, Bright Fairy Friends just came out. They were $13.59 originally, though I got mine for $13.13. They're currently only $9.99, but not back in stock for 2-4 weeks. (I did end up ordering more at that price.)

These dolls come in a simple jar that looks like an opaque version of what you'd use to catch fireflies. It's actually a nightlight! There's a switch that makes it glow.

I was thrilled to see that these have codes! There's a purple label taped to the bottom, but it's not hard to remove (or peek at). There are two numbers stamped in white and one of them is the code.

I had 5 different codes and got 5 different dolls, so I think this is a definite hack.

I didn't take step by step pictures, but you remove the paper bit near the top, cut the plastic off that holds the pink plastic lid on, and remove the lid.

Inside are the doll (in a plastic bag on her stand), a checklist, and a long pink packet.

Inside the packet in three attached pouches are: a brush, a fairy dust bottle, and a BFF barrette.

I didn't photograph the checklist. It just shows the character art with their names.

This is Sunny. 

The dolls are cute, but definitely not as nicely made as, say, Hairdorables. 

But they're also gimmicky, with that button you push on the front to light them up. It only works if you hold it, so sadly, kids can't fly these around with their lights flashing, which seems like it would have been a better idea. 

They fit decently in the stands, but are quite top heavy, so you're still going to need to lean them against something. 

Here are the wings from the back. 

All of the dolls except one have the same wing mold. 

Sunny's hair is okay. It's not horrible by any means. It's also in a braid, so I can't feel it as easily. 

I don't think she's as cute as her promo. 

The promo's bangs are much more full. I think the face here is a lot cuter and her makeup is more prominent. 

Poor little thing is my least favorite of the five I opened. 


Moving on, we have Sophie. 

Same accessories, different colors. 

She's definitely way more Ariel than I expected. 

She also was way cuter in the promo. I liked this really warm skintone that she had. It's a shame because she was one of the ones I liked best. 

Is there one I like, you wonder? Why, yes!

I love Cami.

Her hair isn't the best thing ever. It was in more stuck together sausage curls like the promo has, but I pulled a few apart to thicken it out. It was hanging a bit unevenly. 

In this case, I think the real doll is cuter than the promo.

Lily is the only fairy with different wings! They're hard to see, but she has angel wings. 

I like that she's really pale and they didn't give her darker eyebrows like companies usually do. 

Her hair was in a ponytail like this, but I released it. 

I think both doll and promo are about equally cute. 

At this point, I really figured my last one would be Penny or Harper, because all my other four were pictured on the same side of the checklist! Since those two girls were also there, I thought I'd get one of them, but no! I got NINA! She was my most wanted. 

I love all her purple curls and her darker elements. I was not expecting pink skin though! 

I can see the pink here now though. I just thought she was oddly-lit. 

She seems to have been lightened a little, but she's still really cute. 

The girls all have the same makeup style in different colors and with different cheek symbols. 

A nice detail is that every fairy dust bottle is different! Each one has a distinct shape. 

And here's a quick shot to show their size. 

Finally, here are the codes I collected:
-20285 Dali
-20288 Opal
-20290 Rosie
-20291 Penny
-20292 Dani
-20293 Sunny
-20294 Harper
-20296 Sophie
-20305 Fleur
-20306 Cami
-20308 Lily
-20310 Nina

I like these dolls. Enough that I ordered more. They don't have the quality level of similar dolls, but I think we all know I'm a sucker for fairies. I like to display them "flying" on my walls. 



  1. Replies
    1. Ooh! Thank you! I need to go check Target and see if they put them out. I'd love more of these, but I'd prefer to find them in stores so I can peek at the codes before buying.

  2. Thanks for this! Yay for codes!! Fleur’s code is 20305

    1. Thanks! I wish I could find them in stores to actually use some of these.

  3. They really look so much different from the promotional photographs. Thanks
