Thursday, July 16, 2020


Got behind with my Month in Review again!

June started with a trip to the antique mall for the first time since this mess all began.

I found a set of American Girl pins, which was awesome, and a couple things I'd never heard of before.

This guy here was made by Gopal Soft Toys. He is Narasimhadeva. I think he's totally awesome-looking and he has amazing detail on him. They're handmade in India, so he was imported at some point. His price on the website? $59.95. I got him for...six bucks. Yay, antique mall.

They also had Hanuman for $6, so I brought him home, too. I wish they'd had more!

I also picked up a set of Shirt Tales PVCs. I have Bogey somewhere, but I needed the other four, so this set was perfect.

These two beauties were some of my bear purchases for the month. I'd had them on layaway, but got them home quickly.

Marisa (right) I had pre-ordered from the beginning, but Danuta (left) was a much later pre-order that I added after seeing owner pics of her. Danuta has actually become one of my favorite bears of the year, so I'm really glad I got her!

I've had Sharon (left) and Ainsley (right) for a couple years now or thereabouts. But Stuart eluded me every time. He never got a US release, which annoyed me, and every time he popped up on ebay, it was always from the UK and never the right time.

I finally found him from a US seller and snatched him up, but then USPS dragged their feet on delivering him. He made it eventually in a beat up box, but unharmed.

Stuart deserves two pictures because I say so.

Dimples was my most recent purchase from my stockist. I'm eagerly awaiting some shipments coming this month. It's been too long! (I actually have a bear coming from ebay and one from CB Direct, as well as finding one yesterday from a local stockist I didn't know existed, but it's still been ages since the US got a shipment. Stupid pandemic.)

If you like Moppet (left), get Dimples. He's the only one I've come across that is almost as cuddly and comforting as Rum Baba, who's like the ultimate in lush cuddly softness.

In my mild CB drought, I fell back down the Jellycat hole.

I made a huge wishlist on the Jellycat website and bought Meg Cat here from ebay. She's so soft and floppy and has a big smile! It's hard to see the smile, but it's there.

I have more Jellycats to share, but they're July, so this is it for now!

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