Wednesday, July 22, 2020

COLLECTION UPDATE: Cloudees Minis Series 1 & 2

Agh, this is my first time using the new version of Blogger, so I hope this post comes out looking okay. It's a lot different. 

So! I did a post on my bigger Cloudees and now I want to do one for the minis. 

I don't have a lot of these, but I'm really happy with the ones I did get. 

My first one was Lucky Llama from Series 1. I got him at the same time as I got the big one and the big platypus! Great luck. 

And here he is with Dapper Sloth and Bluesy Kitty, also from Series 1. I got these in a 4-pack from the Amazon warehouse.

Loopy Bat and Puzzled Raccoon also came from that 4-pack.

I love the bat so much. He's my fave.

My Series 2s came from 

I was very happy to open Snoozy Sloth and Broody Pug, my top faves. 

That's all I have so far, but I do want more eventually. 

Now on to the codes.

These are pure speculation. Only the ones marked "confirmed" are ones I've opened with those codes. I was told they go in order of a certain promo picture, so if that is the case, then we've got these.

01 Bluesy Kitty
02 Dapper Sloth
03 Loopy Bat
04 Puzzled Raccoon
05 Sunshine Bunny
06 Prancy Poodle
07 Poised Polar Bear
08 Shivery Bunny
09 Wistful Platypus
10 Breezy Koala
11 Rockin' Tiger
12 Surly Panda
13 Frolicking Unicorn
14 Lucky Llama

15 Bluesy Kitty
16 Dapper Sloth
17 Loopy Bat
18 Puzzled Raccoon
19 Sunshine Bunny
20 Prancy Poodle
21 Poised Polar Bear
22 Shivery Bunny (confirmed 3229SD)
23 Wistful Platypus
24 Breezy Koala
25 Rockin' Tiger
26 Surly Panda
27 Frolicking Unicorn
28 Lucky Llama

29 Bluesy Kitty (confirmed 3509SD)
30 Dapper Sloth (confirmed 3509SD)
31 Loopy Bat (confirmed 3509SD)
32 Puzzled Raccoon (confirmed 3509SD)
33 Sunshine Bunny
34 Prancy Poodle
35 Poised Polar Bear
36 Shivery Bunny
37 Wistful Platypus
38 Breezy Koala (confirmed 3509SD)
39 Rockin' Tiger
40 Surly Panda (confirmed 3509SD)
41 Frolicking Unicorn (confirmed 3509SD, 3459SD)
42 Lucky Llama (confirmed 3459SD)

This third set of numbers corresponds to the ones I got from batch 3509SD. The #42 also corresponds with my Lucky Llama from batch 3459SD. So it's possible these later numbers were used on 2 batches. 

For Series 2, I've got a friend that's collecting and most of my info is coming from her. Some of these are unconfirmed, so I'm going to mark which ones we've opened with (confirmed) so you know there's proof there. The rest is speculation.

Series 2 Batch: 0750SD

78 Gutsy Elephant (confirmed)
79 Daring Hippo
80 Zany Monkey (confirmed)
81 Blushing Mouse (confirmed)
82 Cheeky Flamingo
83 Snuggly Arctic Fox (confirmed)
84 Lively Penguin (confirmed)
85 Mellow Owl (confirmed)
86 Snoozy Sloth (confirmed)
87 Festive Koala (confirmed)
88 Sly Lion
89 Moody Pug (confirmed)
90 Broody Pug (confirmed)
91 Purrty Unicat

Series 2 Batch: ?

50 Gutsy Elephant (confirmed)
51 Daring Hippo (confirmed)
52 Zany Monkey (confirmed)
53 Blushing Mouse
54 Cheeky Flamingo
55 Snuggly Arctic Fox (confirmed)
56 Lively Penguin
57 Mellow Owl
58 Snoozy Sloth
59 Festive Koala
60 Sly Lion
61 Moody Pug
62 Broody Pug (confimed)
63 Purrty Unicat


  1. Just bought a unicorn with code 41/3459SD, please mark batch as confirmed
