Wednesday, April 21, 2021


What better place to shoot vintage toys than in front of equally vintage books? Heh. 

I've been meaning to do a couple collection updates on some fun older lines. 

I did an overview on Pretty Little Pups back in 2016:

So I'm going to leave the main information there and just show some new pictures, as I FINALLY added a new one to my collection!

Okay, not all new pictures. This one isn't actually mine, but I'm not lucky enough to own a carded one of these. I saved this from an ebay auction years ago. 

I wanted to show the twelve dogs with their names, full hair and bows intact, because mine sure don't have those things. Those bows were pretty fragile. 

I am super excited because I have new one! This is Puffy. On the backcard, she looks lighter, but this is her. 

I have photos of her from two different sources. I know one came from a fellow collector, but I can't remember if she was the source of both or not. But the photos show two different dogs. One has her lavender bow and one doesn't. But the odd thing is, both of those Puffys have straight white hair. Mine has very obviously curly hair and some of it is lavender, a color that doesn't tend to fade to white like a lot of light pink hair does. So maybe there are variants? 

These tiny dogs were one of my most played with childhood toys. I absolutely loved them and it shows through their customization and playwear. You can see the old glue from the bows on some of their heads and a lot of them have dust so old that I've never been able to clean it off. 

So these three are Peppi the poodle, Trixie the terrier and Scotti...the scottie.

Then we've got Spanky (ugh, why?) the collie, Alphie the afghan and Doxie the dachshund. 

Newbie Puffy is an unknown breed. Maybe she's a cocker spaniel? 

Speckles I've always thought of as some sort of larger spaniel breed. Her face makes me think of a St. Bernard a tiny bit, but the ears and hair are too long. 

And then Boomer is an Irish Setter. 

I'm so happy to have 9 of the 12 now!

PHOTO CREDITS: Mine except for the backcard photo, which is from a really old ebay auction.

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