Thursday, January 30, 2020

HAIRDORABLES Series 4 Part 1

Got my first 7 Hairdorables Series 4! These are the unwrapped cases, because they got here about 20 minutes before I had to get ready for work, so I skipped taking the pics and went right into opening.

These are currently on Amazon for $12.99 each. They're also beginning to be found in Walmarts.

There are two different styles of case. These are hard plastic cases that are meant to be reusable. I'm going to use them to store all my accessories.

On the left is an unopened doll, so you can see the layout. The doll is in a removable plastic tray and you can still see the hair sticking out the back, unless the doll has an updo.

On the right is an emptied out case. There are different backgrounds for the three different themes: Carnival Cuties, Garden Party and Splash Sensation.

These dolls are scented and their cases retain the scents of the ones who have strong scents. Some do, some don't.

The first one I opened was Bunny Kat from the Carnival set. The Carnival dolls have pink stands.

Kat smells like chocolate. She's got the second-strongest scent of the ones I have.

Each doll comes with two small stickers and one dress sticker that's meant to be placed on Noah on the front of the packaging. Each doll has a brush in the shape of her name, which I think is SO cute. I love them. Then there's the bottle, the shape of which is determined by the theme. (Each theme has its own shape.)

Kat's accessories are a chocolate bunny and a bunny purse.

She's super cute. I love the darker lips.

Her shoes are adorable, too.

And I managed to open THREE of her. In case anyone wants to trade. Sigh.

Next up, also from the Carnival line, is Horsin' Around Brit. I actually really love this Brit. She's one of my fave dolls for the character. Definitely my favorite of the all pink hair Brits. I love her curls so much. And her equestrian outfit is darling.

The gold trophy is a nice touch, too.

Freckles! Adorable!

Brit does have a scent, but it's pretty faint. Thankfully, the Carnival dolls have their scent on their bottles, so I can tell from the bottle that she's cotton candy. She just smells vaguely sweet to me.

Then we've got Flower Power Rayne from the Garden Party line. Garden Party stands are green to the shock of literally no one. A lot of the Garden dolls have the scalloped eyeshadow the Dance line from Series 3 did, but not all of them. Rayne does though and it looks great on her.

She comes with a giant purse, which is quite cute.

I love her headband!

She's actually really pretty. I was not into this one from the first pics of her, because her hair reminded me a lot of Shimmer Rayne, but the makeup works well for her and I like the almost smug look on her face. She knows she's won me over. She knows I won't trade her after all.

Here's the outfit without the long jacket piece.

Pretty basic, but still cute.

Rayne has a very, very slight floral scent. So slight that sometimes I don't smell it at all.

From the Splash Sensation line, this is Sandy Sallee. Splash stands are this lovely darker blue.

I adore Sallee, so I was thrilled to open her. I actually did her last, but I'm saving my sixth open to show last.

All the Sallees in Series 4 have these multicolored pompom balls or whatever they are. I'm not even wholly sure, but they remind me of those fuzzy fabric pompoms.

I think the headband is a bit much for a day at the pool and it takes away from the cuteness of her hair, so we're ditching it.

The purse is lovely.

Her cover-up comes off to reveal her swimsuit.

I'm not sure why she has transparent boots at the pool, but they're so cute that I'm going with it.

Sallee smells faintly of something beachy. Not super coconutty, but like some suntan lotion or something.

Totally forgot her brush in the first pic, so here it is!

And finally, the doll I opened sixth: SAIGE. Eeeeeee! I love her hair so much.

She's technically called Garden Saige, but has the blue stand of the Splash line. I've seen photos of Emily with it, too, so I imagine all 3 newbies have the blue stand.

I love widow's peaks and green hair, so you can imagine how much I love her. Love her skintone and her outfit colors, too.

Her hair is MASSIVE. It's so cool.

There's only one thing I don't like: her scent. When I peeled back the plastic over her, I was hit with the smell of...BEER. Yep. Beer. It actually took me quite a while to figure out what it's supposed to be. You see, Willow from the garden line has the same smell. I don't have her, but someone else does and we discussed this. Willow has a bee theme. So she's honey. And so is Saige. If I smell her forehead and not her hair, I get the tiniest whiff of where I think they were going, but somehow this completely derailed and she really does smell like beer. Why they made the gardener character smell like honey and not like...oh, I dunno...FLOWERS I'll never understand.

She is stunningly gorgeous though. I adore her. She just had a few too many at the Garden Party, I guess!



  1. I wanna get saige so bad!
    I hope the new girls aren't hard to find, do you know if they are since they only get one doll each?

    1. They're no harder to get than any of the non-rares. I know someone who opened 2 yesterday.

    2. My daughters love hairdorables. Saige is beautiful doll but her scent is not nice. My youngest daughter loves this doll. She carries it everywhere meanwhile my older daughter crys and begs me to throw her away bc of her smell.

    3. Unfortunately, her scent is terrible! However, it does improve over time. I've had her for a few months now and I haven't smelled beer the second I walk into my room for several weeks. I have her with Let It Bee Willow and their beer scents have actually morphed into a proper honey scent. Every now and then, I'll get the tiniest whiff of the old beer, but it's definitely more often honey now.

      You can also try taking the doll and soaking her hair in a nicely-scented conditioner. If you leave it sit for several hours or maybe even a day, that should help the scent. I was afraid to try it, because I thought it might loosen the curl in her hair, but I know someone that did it and said her hair was still fine. So you could always try that, too. I just can't promise it won't do anything to her curl. Even though someone else said so, I haven't done it myself, so I cannot say for certain.

  2. Dang that's good, I don't care for pheobe, but the other two are so gorgeous can we agree that saige is the best of the three newbies bella and Emily look like friends, and pheobe kinda looks like Noah with oarnge hair
    Honestly I hope we see more of the newbies inn series 5
    I have a small theory too!

    If hairdorables continues we might get entirely new characters with all the old characters not in that series...but it's just a theory! UwU

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  5. I respect your opinion on Emily fans of all different characters is what we are after all!
    Also I can get excited over Asian characters from time to time too!

    1. I love Asian dolls all the time. I feel like they get neglected a lot. One of my very favorite childhood dolls was Dana from the 80s Barbie & the Rockers line and I still adore her. I love that there's finally a doll in one of these popular blind-packed lines that is clearly and undeniably Asian. I'm also always a fan of partially-shaved heads and her outfit is adorable.

      I love Saige and Phoebe, too, but I'll be shocked if Emily is not my fave after having all 3 in hand. I do love Saige plenty. I think she's got a better design than a lot of the older characters and her hair is a thing to behold. I also love orange, so I think I'm going to adore Phoebe as well.

  6. That would be shocking! Also where did you get these I wanna order one?

    1. Amazon. Though if you only want one out of 39, I'd just wait for her to be on ebay.

  7. Ok thx a lot Lori!
    Although low prices are what I'm waiting for

    Also remember shibajuku girls?

    1. It'll be a long time before they're less than $12.88. They just came out.

      And yeah, I've got several still.
