Monday, May 6, 2024

REVIEW: Nebulous Stars plush

I've shown the Nebulous Stars dolls here, but I don't think I've shown the plush. Definitely not all of them! I've managed to get them all, so let's have a look.

I'm going in order of the characters on the official website.

This is Stella, Nebulia's pet. 

Most of them are hybrids of some kind. Stella looks mostly like a pink cat, but she's got wings and a unicorn horn. 

My least favorite just because she's really simple. 

Octavia is Marinia's octopus. She was in the first batch of these I imported. She's super cute. 

Paloma is Petulia's pet. These three characters are the ones that got the first three dolls. 

Paloma is not my fave. She's really cute in the art, but her flower head just did not work in plush form. 

I don't even know what type of animal she's inspired by. A...chipmunk? It's gotta be something foresty. And then she's got little wings, too. 

Isadora is the fourth character and fourth doll. Her pet is named Aura. 

Aura is a really pretty plush, but not the most cuddly. All those shaped pieces aren't the softest things. 

Aura is some type of lizard, but with feathery wings and a beak. 

Adorable hermit crab Lyria is Coralia's friend. I think they did a pretty good job of translating her art into a plush. 

She's adorable and was one of the first ones I got. 

Elana goes with Hazelia, who's the other plant one along with Petulia. 

She did not translate well into plush. Her art is SO cute. She's sort of an antlered squirrel, but she has mushrooms growing on her. None of that really shows well here. 

She is cute from the side though. 

Eclipsia's owl Louna is my favorite of them all. He was in the first ones I ordered and he's super cuddly. 

What helps is that his tail is soft material and not the firmer stuff. That's only over his eyes. 

While Nebulous Stars is definitely a heavily pink/purple/blue line, I love that they weren't afraid to use gray for most of Louna. 

Blizzia is the last of the initial batch I got. Sadly, she's my least fave of that group. 

I think it's because Blizzia is basically a penguin with a peacock tail, but she looks more like another owl here. 

The tail is pretty though and they did well in not making it from the harder material. 

Orelia was the first new character introduced while I was already into Nebulous Stars. I fell for Lumina immediately and he was the next plush I ordered after my very first group. I got him on ebay. 

Lumina is even cuter in the art, but they didn't do a terrible job. It's hard to capture caterpillar/moth/firefly in plush. 

Very grateful the wings are soft!

The next new girl was Estrelia, who's become my second favorite after Eclipsia. 

Her pet, Astria, is my second fave plush after Louna. 

Astria is the only one that doesn't look like any particular animal. He just looks like a fantasy critter to me. 

I wanted Astria so badly that I searched for Canadian companies that would ship here. I found a store and bought Astria, Stella, Elana, and Paloma. They didn't have Aura, so the hunt was on for her. I ended up finding her at my current NS source. I was also thrilled that they had the Isadora doll!

The next new girl was Nenuphia, who's the third watery one. (Not counting Iceana.) Her thing is lagoons, and her pet Lilya is clearly a frog.  

A frog with a long tail and giant wings. I adore her. 

Lilya came from today's delivery, along with a new product I'm going to review next. 

There is yet another new character, named Cristalia, but her pet bunny Agatha has yet to be made into a plush. 

So those are the Nebulous Stars plush, which sadly are import only for those of us here in the US. Thankfully, there are Canadian stores that ship here!


1 comment:

  1. These are so cute. I ADORE the Hermit Crab. We need more Hermit Crab plushes. They're so perfect for it.
