Tuesday, September 19, 2023

REVIEW: Shadow High Series 3 LAVENDER LYNN

Oh, poor Lavender. 

I didn't hate her name. It actually fits with RH's color naming abilities. However, she really isn't lavender at all. She's far too pink-toned. She doesn't have a single piece I would call lavender. 

So let's drop that part of her name and just call her Lynn. It was silly to have Lilac Lane and Lavender Lynn coming out together anyway. 

And yes, I'm aware I didn't pick on Scarlet for not being scarlet, but she looks like a Scarlet, dammit. 


So why "poor Lavender" then?

Because the people at MGAE have apparently never learned anything about packaging dolls with glasses. 

She has four deep gouges on her face, three of them embedded with black paint. 

This right here is why we either don't package dolls with glasses on or we put a lot of plastic protection around them. They damage the doll itself. 

Stand and comb. 


I love the heels on her boots!

I'm in love with that teacup. It's super elegant and suits her so well.

The glasses thankfully are cute. 

I'm not photographing the magazine because other people did already. Everyone inside is an older character except Oliver. 

The camera is cute but basic. 

Post-salon time. Her ponytail was loaded with gel. 

I'm not removing the hat. It would never stay on if I clipped the tabs holding it on. I also am leaving the gel in the bangs to hold them in place. 

I adore the cameo!

Her dress is cute and one of the few minidress designs that actually works with the RH body. 

Her face is so gorgeous! I may work with those gouges when I have more time. Acetone would likely get the black out, but with her lips so close, I've got to be extra careful. 

I love the spiked ponytail deco. 

Her hair color is lovely in person. Pics don't do it justice. 

At least these are cute. Whew. I don't like being forced to leave them on her thanks to the company's negligence though. 

Final thoughts: Lynn is a gorgeous doll and I adore her. I love how she's elegant mixed with a couple spiky elements to make her feel more SH. I also love that this series isn't overbranding. For me, she only has two flaws. The first is the obvious one: the damage to her face from her glasses. The second is that I wish there was a way to have her hold her saucer in her other hand while she sips from her teacup. 


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