Tuesday, September 1, 2020

HAIRDORABLES Series 5 Part 4

All right! Here's my final post on Hairdorables Series 5. 

Thanks to an awesome lady in my FB Hairdorables group, I have the regular set complete! 

I have no plans on getting either rare. I'd consider Emily for a reasonable price, but I don't see that happening. 

And honestly, I like this one better than her. This is After School Emily. Not sure why the poor girl didn't rate an after school activity. She just looks like she's done with school for the day. 

Emily's backpack is really cute. It makes her arms stick out a bit though. 

Her outfit is pretty basic, but it looks realistic. 

My only issue is her shoes, which are lovely in mold, but completely unmatching in color. They should have been purple. 

I love the streaks in her hair!

The doll herself is darling. 

Emily got one of the best hairclips. I love the pattern. But it's extra stiff because of the heavy print. 

I dislike her hat, so I left it off. Honestly, this outfit seems a bit too casual for her. I think the realistic look would have better suited another character. 

Creative Kali was pretty low on my want list, but she's the Queen Willow of the School line. She's really, really lovely in person. 

I'm still not a huge fan of the outfit, but it is refreshing to see some not so typically girly colors. 

The hair though. I adore the curly hair on Kali, but this glam high ponytail really suits her, too. 

Another robo animal, but this one is cuter than the Series 1 dog. 

She has the other hairclip I really like. Again, it's stiffer because of the paint. Love the colors!

This is absolutely my favorite Saige! Forget-Me-Not is right! 

You can see here though why I think they need to introduce a second type of stand. Saige's skirt is so tight that the stand shows right through. 

I ended up removing the stands from all my School set except for Bella, who's a little loosely-jointed so she needs it. 

I'm not sure how her hair is supposed to go. Am I supposed to take the rubberbands out of the shorter pigtails? I like it this way though, so I'm not.

The hair roses are absolutely lovely, but the comb part of the hairpiece is way too short. I managed to get it to stay on like this, but...

...a look at the sticker shows the flowers on the side. 

No way that is possible. 

Her hair also looks loose in front, but I'm still not taking it down. 

I wasn't sure if this would work, but I pulled a piece of the rubberband on her long ponytail up and slid the end rose underneath it. It actually looks really cute!

I love this Saige so much!

And finally, we've got Touchdown Brit. 

I love that they paired a more dominantly boyish sport like football with Brit's lightest pink hair ever. 

Her accessories.

The football has a slit in it that you can put her hand in for some cute action shots. 

So that's it for Series 5! The other 2 girls in this half of the School set are Noah and Neila, who were in my first S5 post. 



  1. So how do you feel about Series 5 as a whole now that you have (mostly) the whole collection? How does it compare to the others in your opinion?

    1. I'd say it's comparable to the past series, which is an improvement over my initial thoughts, but I still think the outfit quality in general went down. There are definitely some they could have designed and executed better.

    2. Agreed. This series is very strange in that its a weird mix of dolls that they got absolutely perfect and others that make you wonder what they were thinking. But I do like how they are giving the girls looks based on their personality rather then their passion. Like Dee Dee’s masquerade look isn’t inherently dessert themed, but it fits her style and looks like something she would wear.
