Wednesday, March 4, 2020

HAIRDORABLES Series 4 Part 11

More from Series 4! This is my second to last post on this series, as I only have one more coming. So we'll round out Series 4 with 12 total posts. I mean, it'd be lucky 13 if I ever got butterfly Neila, but I doubt I will.

A friend sent me these 6 dolls that we did a partial trade/sale on.

I've got four splash ones to start with and every single one smells like the generic beach scent.

I managed to only take this one pic of Cheery Cherry DeeDee, but it sums her up pretty well. She's really pretty. She's one of the few in that line that doesn't have a swimsuit. She only has the dress.

Chillin' Noah is one I didn't initially care about, but she is actually super cute for some reason.

I like the cover-up. Everything else is basic, but also works. Simplicity isn't always bad.


I managed to forget her glasses in the first pic. 

They're so goofy that they manage to be cute.

Dolphin Kat is one of the highlights of the splash line, because she thinks outside the box more. I love the dolphin-training aspect, the wetsuit and her cute shoes. 

Admittedly, I did think this was a seal when we saw that first tiny photo of her, but nope, dolphin. Obviously. 

Although I gotta say, that's more of a seal pose than a dolphin, in my opinion. 

Sun 'n' Rayne was not on my radar at all, but dang, if she isn't adorable! 

She completely won me over with the silly sunglasses.

I failed at taking a photo of her face. Just trust me that it's cute. 

I hated the idea of skates by basically any swimming source, but Mom was like "Well, what if there's a boardwalk nearby?" So now I'm going with that. Rayne is skating the line between splash and carnival. 

I can't decide if the rainbow piece is a towel or a cover-up or what. It's cute though. 

This was definitely a good series for Rayne. I love all 3 of her dolls. 

Karnival Kali also wasn't on my radar at all. She's kind of all over the place in the outfit department, but in person, she manages to be so cute that it doesn't matter. 

That's the true magic of Hairdorables for me. Even the ones I think I won't like, I end up liking. 

That purse is so cute. 

I'm not sure what scent I get from her. Not caramel apple. Maybe just caramel? A hint of popcorn, but different from Phoebe. 

And finally, there's Teatime Willow. I just put a question mark by her on my list of scents that I was keeping as I was opening these. I don't get any smell from her at all. 

With a little extra oomph, this one could have been a rare. I'm honestly still surprised they put a dress like this on a regular doll. 

I wish they'd done one thing before starting this series though and that's developed an arm shape more appropriate for holding platters. I shoved her little hand through the strap on the plate so she could hold it like this and it is never coming off. Never. 

This is like the ultimate girly, flowery, pastel, unicorn Willow. But she pulls it off and I like her despite the overly girlyness for two reasons:

1) Her dark eyeshadow is stunning. 

2) She's so Lady Lovely Locks. 

I might loose her hair. I haven't decided quite yet. But maybe. 

So that's it! Just got Let It Bee Willow to go and I should have her in a couple days, if not tomorrow. 



  1. what dolls are missing for your collection complete

    1. She's getting let it bee Willow from a friend she said in the post, but she would need butterfly neila

    2. Yup, that's right. I'm about to post Willow now.
